Seriously though, when a comment had to be removed (in)voluntarily for starters and then the dishevel discourse that followed thoughout the days comments, it can be seen why people don’t wish to comment on here any more or at all to begin with.
Yes a bit of fun is O.K. even if a bit bawdy. Playful shot are fine but can easily turn hurtful as we’ve seen several times on here with the offended not only commenting how offensive it was, but also threatening to leave.
And it’s quite possible that many former commenters that commented here regularly quietly left, I feel this maybe a reason why when I look back at old DT strips on here when links are posted in the comments and I read through those comments and notice names that I haven’t seen commenting for some time. Of course excluding those who have passed.
His silhouette is on Lee’s right behind her with Lizz beside him on Lee’s left