
SelinaEubanks Free

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  1. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    Scary stuff…

  2. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    He’s not Diabetic it’s dead tissue veinous damage lymph problem also.And no the Beetus is not an Endtown ailment.

  3. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    Far as we know it’s the Leg.

  4. over 4 years ago on Endtown


  5. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    Fever is too high and I am at work so I couldn’t change the image for him.He can’t function like this he is being admitted in the morning when there’s a slot.Sorry folks

  6. over 5 years ago on Endtown

    We both try and keep things private, but I grow weary of the misunderstanding that the lag is intentional. It isn’t at all it’s the inevitable result of one person doing everything one their own for very little in addition to real world commitments and struggles.Saturday we put down the last f our original cats Trilby had a stroke and after having a similar misfortune withe her brother twice years prior we knew what had to be done and did as much as it hurt.He raised e them from birth and they came before Endtown before me and were so much a part of us. He only stopped working to hold her when it was time and mourn the loss.I went to work that night because it had to be done.Tuesday he had to take me for medical work for the second time this month and the side effects have been ugly.This is all to get me surgery so that I don’t lose the ability to work.During all this he still works as do I right now on my off time I’m tutoring Coworkers for 20 a class to help pay off the Vet.I still believe in Aaron he saved my life once and I owe him mine.6 years later he still means the world to me and gives me hope.

  7. over 5 years ago on Endtown

    Thank you all for the well wishes , donations, emails, Prayers. From Reader’s, Friends,Family,Cartooneists and internet Personalities and Patreon’s Old and New.He was released yesterday with the leg still really bad looking, and oddly he had a half a bag of I.V Antibiotics left that he was pulled from as he was dismissed.He was still very ill to ill to be released lest alone drive and told told to fill his prescription ASAP or it would get worse.Xyvox is a really hard medicine to find and crazy pricy so we wound up on an epic quest only to finally to return to our Apartment and tend to our cats and make arrangements with my job and let family know.It was wild and if things had not been so hectic I would have updated you all sooner.He’s still very sick, but he said you can contact him at his e-mail AaronNeathery@gmail.com.You can also look up the Facebook Group who has been helping as well.Thank you all again, more tomorrow.

  8. over 5 years ago on Endtown

    Hi folks, I am Aaron’s Fiancee and well…He’s here with me in the E.R , but to sick to do much.He’s been struck down by Chronic Illness Gods and his Leg flared up last night.Than you for your patience.

  9. about 7 years ago on Endtown

    The strip was uploaded hours ago Aaron doesn’t know why it’s not coming up.

  10. almost 8 years ago on Endtown

    I dunno Aaron and I have worked things out fine over the years and he’s like 6 ft something and 325 Ilbs whereas I’m 5ft and 200 Ilbs I find it endearing he makes me feel safe.