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Gun, just sit back and let them be friends. Just easier that way, trust me. They’ll make their demands when they need you.
Good short-term save G. Good luck for later.
I’m sensing a bit of crazy here…
That bear reminds me of my brother right now…
This is why you never take your first date to the place where all your friends gather.
What? Doug’s just cultivating his options.
I had other classes with a woman who was also nude model for my life drawing class. We used to make jokes about it in classes that had students that didn’t know her. She was cool and, honestly, pretty cute.
Yes Gunther, welcome to the “friend zone”.
You don’t need a building permit to remodel a room. Only to build new additional structures.
Rent-a-cops, about what they are like. Many are okay guys, but too many on power trips.
Gun, just sit back and let them be friends. Just easier that way, trust me. They’ll make their demands when they need you.