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Recent Comments

  1. about 12 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    Yup. They already have the bibles, shoes, hats, flags……

  2. about 13 hours ago on Dana Summers

    CNN will not fact check Trump live on TV. Afterwards it is too late. They have done this twice now with him.

  3. about 13 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    Yes. If there are citizens who are unaware of Trump’s lies watching for the first time they need to be called out.

  4. about 13 hours ago on Clay Jones

    I bet you have Trump bibles, shoes, shirts, and flags in your collection. You are a cheap fake!

  5. about 13 hours ago on Chip Bok

    Nope. I haven’t had a bad day in a long time. I actually laugh at how stupid you are.

  6. about 13 hours ago on John Deering

    1WeakMindedWhiteGuy, you will be buried as an unknown, like you are today.

  7. about 13 hours ago on Steve Breen

    1WeakMindedWhiteGuy, I like toast. You are garbage!!

  8. about 14 hours ago on Chip Bok

    You truly are 1WeakMindedWhiteGuy.

  9. about 14 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    Your stupidity abounds!!

  10. about 14 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    The start of the middle class decline started under Reagan. Wages and benefits still haven’t caught up.