
alisoncoad Free

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  1. 8 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I just hope Sophie is rescued very soon, my anxiety levels for her are through the roof already!

  2. 16 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    We have three towers on three floors; Loki often sleeps on the top of the third floor one and the first floor one; Medb used to like the second floor one (which looks onto the back yard where neighbourhood cats hang out) but these days she prefers to be on cushions on the floor. Mind you, the very favourite spots for both of them are…. you got it, boxes!

  3. 20 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Pucky is my favorite, but I don’t want the others to know!

  4. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes, indeed – of course, Quebec always has to be different so here it’s “Patriots Day,” commemorating not “patriots” in the modern sense, but a 19th Century political party that wanted to create a more democratic legislature (though I’m not sure if they were federal or provincial). But what the heck, it’s absolutely gorgeous here today, so Happy Queen Victoria/Patriots Day!

  5. about 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    My first cat was called Mythryl, after the silverblack metal in LotR; she was all-black with a beautiful gleam to her fur. We met when I was 14, she crossed the rainbow bridge when she was 14; I’m 65 now and have had a zillion feline partners since, but I still dream of her sometimes….

  6. about 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yeah, “Blink” scared the bejesus out of me; still does, if I think about it for more than a minute.

  7. about 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    Weirdly, in Quebec doctors are supposed to send prescriptions to pharmacies via fax, even in 2024. Luckily though they can also just print out the prescription and have the patient carry it in to the pharmacy by hand.

  8. about 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    100% with you, Tigrisan! Why bother with sequels/remakes when you have the originals to enjoy?

  9. 2 months ago on Monty

    Had a class once in which MD was assigned, but the teacher said we didn’t have to read it all because it was so long. Then again, my brother (then an English lit major) considers it to be the best book ever written in the English language.

  10. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Weather was perfect here in Montreal, not a cloud in the sky throughout the event. We walked down to the Lachine Canal, which has broad open spaces without trees, and sat with hundreds (not thousands, our plan was to avoid crowds and we did so) of neighbours, watched it all. The totality was, of course, awesome, especially the “sunset” colours in the sky around the whole sky not just the western part. Wow! There won’t be another total eclipse in Eastern Canada until, um, 2206 I think they said, so the term “once in a lifetime event” was especially true of this experience!