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  1. over 3 years ago on Luann

    As if Trump wasn’t fair game while he was still in office? If Obama had gotten one-tenth of one percent of the dishonest, hateful bashing that Trump endured every single day since the moment he announced his candidacy, he would have shriveled up and died.

  2. over 3 years ago on Luann

    And to make the good-hearted guy look stupid and incompetent. Good thing real guys can handle it. Don’t ever try that with an effeminate guy, or a woman, especially a feminist. You will not live to tell about it.

  3. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    Yes, and Tara has some serious character defects (she is lazy, irresponsible and fundamentally dishonest; she took Luann away from her school work to shoot a bow and arrows; she was a thief and didn’t think that was a big deal; she led her friends to sneak into the VIP section at the monster truck rally, and then left them to get in trouble for it). Crystal’s character is not explored much, as I remember. She just dresses funny. Flo is a middle schooler with a massive adolescent crush on a boy, and she deceives her mother in order to be with him. Bets is a hypocritical, insecure control freak who cannot stand it when Gunther sends an occasional text while he is with her, yet she is on social media nonstop, posting photos of the two of them, obviously not caring that that makes him uncomfortable. These are all very realistic people with very real human issues. Pru has no issues. She is the model citizen; she is dependable, responsible, clean, honest, thoughtful, and considerate of others to the point where she created a funny scene in order to protect Les, who had lied about her being his girlfriend. How did she become such a perfect person? I am afraid we will never know.

  4. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    You make some thoughtful points. Let me try to explain. The “study” trying to prove that homosexuality is somehow programmed into the genetic code of some individuals was proven to be a hoax. It would be like trying to prove that there is a “racist gene,” therefore some people cannot choose not to be racists. It was a futile attempt to prove that the choices we make have actually been made for us by our creator, therefore it is pointless to try to tell people what they should and should not do, because they cannot make those decisions. Which is false. We do make our own decisions.

    If characters are portrayed as perfect, with no human flaws, they are not realistic. Real people cannot relate to them. Real people are riddled with flaws, weaknesses and shortcomings. I do understand that the characters in this comic strip are fictitious. The difference between Pru and the others is that Pru is portrayed as perfect, with no flaws, while the others are portrayed as real human beings, with real human flaws. Pru is not realistic. I have known quite a number of real people with same-sex attraction, and none of them are like Pru. Pru is held up as an example that we should all admire and emulate, but her example is impossible to follow. She was dealt a very bad hand in her childhood, yet she became a model citizen with no flaws, and we have no idea how that happened and how we could do the same. That’s what I mean when I say she is not real.

    Just like the airbrushed women in fashion magazines are not real. They are designed to make women unhappy with their own looks and to get them to keep spending money on the advertised products that don’t deliver what they promise.

  5. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    The “gay gene” was a fraud. And yes, Pru is portrayed as a totally positive character, with no human flaws. Which means she is not real.

  6. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    So, Greg: Pru, who was likely an unwanted crack baby, bounced around from one foster home to another, lives the lesbian lifestyle, and somehow magically became the model citizen whom we should all admire and emulate. How did that happen? Frank and Nancy have poured their life into raising Luann in a stable, two-parent home with good morals, and every Sunday we see that they have failed. So if we want our kids to be like Pru, should we dump them off on the foster care system? Or should we realize that Pru is a fantasy, while Luann is real? Would it cost you your gig if you portrayed a lesbian with the real problems that real lesbians and homosexuals actually struggle with?

  7. about 4 years ago on Luann

    Middle-aged heterosexual white men, husbands and fathers, the ones who do the heavy lifting, run the businesses, make the economy work, bring home the paycheck, support their families, protect their children, maintain their homes and pay the bills, those are the only ones who are fair game for any and all petty insults. Maybe it’s because they are the only ones who can take it without having a screaming, profanity-laced meltdown.

  8. over 5 years ago on Luann

    Time to cut the apron strings. There is no need for a young, capable adult to be dependent on – and monitored by – a conniving wicked stepmother. Tiff can get a job, pay her own bills, and/or get married and start her own family, and then just maintain a courteous but superficial relationship with her father and his sex toy. That is the best solution, given the fact that Tom is obviously, unfortunately, not interested in having a real relationship with his daughter.

  9. over 5 years ago on Luann

    You may dismiss everyone who doesn’t agree with your views as “geriatric,” but there is a reason why many parents, including a lot of young ones, do not allow the kids to run the show. The parents need to be the adults in the room. Children are by nature selfish and short-sighted. If they are to function in the real world, they need to learn consideration, patience, responsibility and self-control. In the real world, you don’t always get everything you want, and you need to be able to deal with that and not have a meltdown.

    I have a relative who raised her daughter to say whatever she wanted and never corrected her. She thought she was doing her kid a favor. And yes, this resulted in unnecessary grief and heartaches for the daughter, when she insulted the wrong person and – to her utter shock and amazement – got her head handed to her. BTW, this same mom also has a prison record, as a result of her thinking that she is entitled to do whatever she wants, whether it is legal or not.

  10. almost 6 years ago on Luann

    I see. So, if I am not of “a particular religion,” then I can go ahead and move in with a married man and destroy his marriage, regardless of how that hurts his wife, his kids, my husband and my kids. Or, if I’m Ann Eiffel, I can move in with a man and foul up his relationship with his daughter, and that’s perfectly OK. After all, we’re doing it privately, right?