I was up at 3:30AM (as in, 14 hours ago), worried about the impending Supreme Court decisions and figured, if I was going to worry so much about it, I might as well make a comic about it.
I can respect where you’re coming from on this, but let’s not go so far as to think Biden is empathetic towards protestors. That has never been true- and I say that despite being an unabashed Biden supporter for forever.
Here’s what I see: an entire police and military apparatus taking shape to be at the ready to “deal with” campus protestors . These kinds of face offs never end well. And I’d rather make comics that highlight the danger of what could end up being the result instead of memorial comics after someone gets killed.
I hope I’m wrong. I really do. But Biden is not a passive player here and I’m tired to seeing dead children. Sorry if that doesn’t line up with the “political entertainment show” that people are more comfortable with by dividing everything into neat little parties.
Oh please. It’s been two comics. And Biden is the current president now. The latest news is happening now. I have over 900 comics criticizing every President we’ve ever had. No one is singling out anyone except the human perception of “time” and “present.” This comic isn’t even about Israel! It’s about government’s tenacity to strip a population’s right to protest and I personally find zero bravery in holding water for those in power wearing the boots—regardless of party.
I’d rather make the comparison before people get killed instead of just reacting to it later. The US military complex comes down hard on left wing protest and they’re already rolled up on colleges across the country. That’s happening right now.
I have a stack of scripts that I’ve been trying to find time to build them out between deadlines but hopefully soon!
For the art shift – gotta keep it fresh! I also don’t think it’s necessarily important for one to know which president is featured unless it’s specifically a story point, in which case, i’ll usually ID them. For this one, it’s simply the drums of war intensify, and some people root for it.
As much as it’s always been a dream, I’ve never been in newspapers — i was brought up in the webcomics rush of the 2002-03. I’ve never been successful enough to notice the business shift!