Trespassers will..

Trespassers W Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 15 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    There are more than you might think. Lincoln was first, as we have seen, followed by 2. Hayes (Siam, allegedly the first Siamese in the US); 3. A bit of a dispute here. Some say it was McKinley (Valeriano Wyler & Enrique DeLome) but others say that that is a myth, which would then make the third cat-owning President Teddy Roosevelt (Slipper & Tom Quartz); 4. Wilson (Mittens & Puffins); 5. Coolidge (Tiger & Blacky); 6. Kennedy (Tom Kitten); 7. Ford (Shan Shein); 8. Carter (Misty Malarky Ying Yang—-that is all one cat!); 9. Clinton (Socks); 10. G.W. Bush (India—who was an adorable all-black!); 11. Biden (Willow).

  2. about 16 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    At first I was wondering if this was not a case of somebody stealing a corpse from the morgue, but instead they were trying to sneak a body into the morgue and leave it there…hoping that, when it was discovered, it would be considered a clerical error to explain the lack of identification, paperwork, etc. This would delay investigation of the body.

    This plan was frustrated by being caught in the act, but what it gives us is a murder done elsewhere, which MCU could then investigate.

  3. about 20 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    It is introducing the new character, Allie Terative.

  4. 2 days ago on Tarzan

    Let’s see. One: They are trying to drive the people off the land. Two: The land has oil. Gosh, such jumbled links to this mystery! How will we ever figure out what connects those two facts????

  5. 5 days ago on Gil Thorp

    “Maybe you are taking the wrong lessons from the Doc?”

    “Yeah, I really have to stop listening to Rex Morgan.”

  6. 5 days ago on Gil Thorp

    USA beat Namibia in ODI cricket today by a wicket and 70 runs. Anywho, ICC.

  7. 6 days ago on Dick Tracy

    “It’s Fred Schadenfreude.”

  8. 6 days ago on Dick Tracy

    It’s an improvement on its prior name, the Bonkers-Nutso Care Facility.

  9. 6 days ago on Crankshaft

    You may be right. I was thinking that, while the past few strips have been far from funny, they have been better than Batiuk’s usual drivel. Maybe he has started using AI to write the script, and it has been an improvement.

  10. 7 days ago on Crankshaft

    That is Dan’s passsive-aggressive way of telling Batty that he wants out.