
Flamestar Free

my name is Sadie. I am a Warrior cat fan and I hope you will start reading Warriors. There are warriors names such as Firestar, Sandstorm, Bramblestar, etc. I first started reading warrior books from my library. For always I will be Flamestar. Thank you for everyone that reads them, there aren't popular like drama, smile, etc. I am happy with my cat live, actually my 9 lives.If you believe in gods, like Zeus, Hermies, etc, read Percy jackson books. I still read Warriors because I love Warriors. Kill yourself if you don't read Warriors.*kills everyone that hates Warriors* There I killed all the haters. HATERS DIE AND LOVERS LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! FLAMESTAR Siblings- Tallheart, Blueheart, Stormtail Mother- Bloomingflower Father- Lionstar (leader of Thunderclan) Mate- Firetail Kits- Lillypaw,Waterpaw, Cinderpaw part of clan- leader Lionstar died Cats love in books- Bluestar, Firestar Tallstar, Crookedstar, Oakheart, Lioblaze, Dovewing,Cinderheart, Cinderpelt, Seedpaw, Lillypaw, Graywing, Thunder, Mothflight, etc. I hate TIGERSTAR, MapleShade. STupid Cats!!!!1 Blossomstar: Come down its a gathering, Flamestar Scratchedstar: let me go first, My clan is Stronger than yours this leaf-bare. We need more territory to keep this clan alive. Blossomstar: Never. we just got into the forest. Skyclan will keep its territory forever!*Blossomstar growled* Flamestar: I would never, right now we must find Riverclan Scratchedstar: I can prove we are stronger. I drived them out! Flamestar: The same clan drived a different clan out!!!! Blossomstar: Why would you do that Fox dunged idea!.... To be continued

Recent Comments

  1. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    What does that mean, what does lousy bowler mean? Meow

  2. almost 8 years ago on Luann


  3. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    Figherfighter die Army men are alive. read my prhofile

  4. almost 8 years ago on Luann Againn

    I read my Profile Please

  5. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    I am a cubbie motater

  6. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read warriors. in the closest library near you. its about CATS!!!!