Tma gocomics main character image 600x600

Steve Conley Creator

Cartoonist of The Middle Age.

Recent Comments

  1. about 3 years ago on The Middle Age

    First balloon should start “I don’t know what you’ve done…” sorry for the typo. Hope to have the file replaced as soon as the system can update.

  2. over 3 years ago on The Middle Age

    I started The Middle Age on my own site on July 18, 2016. After it proved itself a bit, it was picked up by GoComics. I guess it has a few anniversaries and while I’m counting from when we started dating, I’m certain to bring flowers to the 5th anniversary here on GoComics! :)

  3. almost 4 years ago on The Middle Age

    So did Quimp.

  4. almost 4 years ago on The Middle Age

    Thanks for your kind patience during this entirely unscheduled hiatus! <3 I can’t believe we’ve reached episode 250! I hope you’re safe and well! — Steve

  5. almost 4 years ago on The Middle Age

    Thanks so much! <3 Sadly, my iPad (which I’d used to draw the first 249 episodes) died half-way through this episode. After trying to resuscitate the old machine, I picked up a 4th gen iPad Pro (I couldn’t wait for the 5th gen which is right around the corner). It took some doing to get it behave, but we’re back in business.

  6. about 4 years ago on The Middle Age

    And as I expected, something blew up – in this case, it was my cat’s pancreas. I spent the weekend trying get a cat to eat and Monday and Tuesday outside a vet’s office (I couldn’t go in to the office because of covid) and I was drawing the next episode on my iPad. Turns out my cat has pancreatitis. (this cat, BTW, is the model for the dragon Nittles) I expect to have the new episode up Wednesday! <3 thanks for your patience!

  7. about 4 years ago on The Middle Age

    Hi. I use an Apple iPad Pro (first generation- 2015) I’ve used the same one for five years and love it to pieces. I know the new ipads have more features but the original works well enough for me. I draw the comic using the Procreate app and letter it in Photoshop.

  8. about 4 years ago on The Middle Age

    I totally agree! <3

    I don’t want to jinx it but I think I’ll continue on this at-least-weekly schedule for a bit (i type that and expect my ipad to immediately self destruct). Big big thanks to everyone who subscribed here on GoComics and is supporting the story on Patreon.

    I hope your 2021 is starting safe, healthy, happy an warm!

  9. about 4 years ago on The Middle Age

    Every intoximancer keeps some handy!

  10. about 4 years ago on The Middle Age

    I’ve uploaded a fix to episode 282 (October 20 on GoComics). It makes it clear when she put the glove back on. The fix should appear the next time the site updates. :) Thanks for pointing that out.