
MadisonLink Free

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  1. almost 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News


    Take the goose across,Row back,Take the fox across,Row back with the goose,Take the grain across,Row back,Take the goose across.

    So, yeah, he has to cross 7 times.

  2. about 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    This comic: from the original cat news network talks about Lupin’s deafness and sensitivity to vibrations. (Also see the first comment in its discussions.)

  3. about 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    If you want to read her backstory, it starts at in the original website.

  4. about 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    once the intern

  5. about 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Beatrix. Who was one the intern, and then got put on the bookstore beat. For some reason, she’s not listed in the “Our Reporters” section

  6. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Cats are Nature’s alarm clocks.

    According to Nature, we should be in bed at 10pm, up at 3am, back in bed at 3:30, and up at 6.

  7. about 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    This has the feel of something that actually happened.And I can totally believe that, because for a two-year-old, everything is Serious Business.

  8. about 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    The city needs power for you to flush your toilets. The city’s water is pumped up from somewhere (a river, an aquifer, etc.). Those pumps are powered by the city’s electrical grid, not their own generator. It’s generally pumped into water towers to maintain a supply of pressurized water. But if the power to the water pumps goes out, the water towers will run empty pretty quickly. Even before the towers go dry, the city will probably start rationing the water to avoid running out of drinking water. So, if you want water for anything else, it’s best to get a supply while it’s available.

  9. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    At least they’re not letting the cat out of the bag, because that would imply they’ve got a cat stuffed into a bag in the first place.

  10. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    And then, the wish that you’d never wished them is granted in a horrifying fashion.