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Nicole Kim The Blogger Free

Nicole Kim The Blogger serves as Webmaster of Abornewords, a Lifestyle where she Blogs regularly and uses video, audio and photos to create Brand Awareness for people, products and services. Visit abornewords.com to read her contributions in the Blog Pleasure and FF Men Section.

Recent Comments

  1. about 6 years ago on JumpStart

    I absolutely love this one. There are certain sports (hockey) and recreational activities (skiing) that people of color rarely participate in and skiing falls in that category. I will never forget when my Son learned to skate on rollerblades. It was a proud moment for me as a Black Mother.

  2. over 7 years ago on Biographic

    Recently, there was a collectors edition created in honor of Princess Diana. All types of creations help to tell the story of a person. This biographic is something historic. Way to go.

  3. over 7 years ago on JumpStart

    Good topic on procrastination. Is it learned or caught? Don’t know but I do know that the less I watch, the more I am motivated to do and accomplish personal and professional goals of my own. Good topic.

  4. almost 8 years ago on Biographic

    I grew up watching Wonder Woman and since my Mum’s name Wanda sounds similar, I always felt like she was mine. Strong and confident to a fault sometimes that is my Mum. Then when I would see Wonder Woman spring out and block bullets with your wristbands, I just felt the power. Superheros are not crazy, childish or stupid, they are a manifestation of what being brave should mean in the face of life challenges. Thanks for the history lesson on the various people who have taken on the role. Excuse me but for some reason I thought Lynda’s last name was Gray. I guess my memory is not as good as I thought.

  5. almost 8 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    One thing is for sure, when it comes to shopping we women always get a bad rap for being spendthrifts. Recalling a time when hubby went to far with a splurging spree for something and in this case a car, is money for the wife. Now all we have to do is hope that she is in communication with his wife. That way she can use her trump cards when she wants to purchase new appliances to go with the remodel. Let’s just hope she is at least generous enough to donate the old stuff to a Thirft Store for us regular folks who can not afford a major remodel and new appliances.

  6. almost 8 years ago on JumpStart

    Firstly, I love her hair because it seems natural and edgy all at the same time. A hairstyle can really change the way a person feels about their finished look. I know mine does. Next, I love this one because it I actually will be going to school to become a Nail Technician real soon. Then maybe I can finally start to really do more for my own nails and make my clients feel like the special people they truly are. Beauty is about making people feel good but words can do that and more. Thanks for being such a great creative force. Also, since the series Shots Fired just concluded, it’s nice to see you humanizing Police Officers without them being on the front page for using excessive force or killing minorities.

  7. almost 8 years ago on JumpStart

    I love seeing African Americans depicted in comics and on television because it happens less often than needed. Although I do understand that creativity is colorless and that is why when I write and share content on Abornewords, I share whatever my inspiration is in that moment. Recently, I wrote about a new Artist called Nice Gunz. He released a new video called Ima Fool and I thought about how in Ancient Times, Buffoons would entertain the dignitaries. Nice Gunz is using his poetic Rap versus to reflect a common everyday problem in urban neighborhoods, The drug epidemic. You can learn more about Nice Gunz and watch his video here https://www.abornewords.com/ff-men/abornewords-music-street-dreamz-muzik-releases-nice-gunz-i-m-a-fool-video .

  8. almost 8 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    The work of a Mum is never done. Even when our focus changes and we slow down for what seems to be the inevitable, we still can not disconnect from our role or duties in our family. I shared this cool Pizza Fries recipe on Abornewords. Comfort food always taste good. You can read it here https://www.abornewords.com/blog-pleasure/abornewords-delicious-making-food-fun-with-a-pizza-fries-recipe #SuperMom

  9. almost 8 years ago on Biographic

    I Blogged about the John Lennon Limited Edition Writing Instrument when the MontBlanc Brand released it and also directed Abornewords readers to listen to John Lennon’s song called Imagine. When I wrote that piece, it felt like a magical time. You can read it here https://www.abornewords.com/blog-pleasure/montblanc-writing-instruments-john-lennon-edition . John Lennon certainly made his mark and colored outside of the lines living his fame to the fullest and creating music with a message.