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  1. 6 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    My Manx kitten, little Bilbo Nubbins, would disagree about the dog food. He practically shoves the lab out of the way to gobble it up (and my gentle lab always leaves some for both him and the beagle – because both are starved, fat potatoes). He also goes absolutely crazy for mango – like a rabid, starved animal. And dog treats – he demands a piece of one whenever the dogs get some.

    Lord Gandalf, my Siamese, loves bread and grass. While I get my cats really good, high-protein, grain-free food I’m beginning to suspect they need a little grains and veggies in given their cravings.

  2. 9 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “Test at the polls were used to discriminate” is an example of bad education. Yes, tests were used to discriminate at the polls, by giving blacks a really hard test and whites a very easy test (or no test at all). Give everyone the same test.

    Our country has free public education, free libraries that serve anyone, and widely available internet. Anyone with a desire and ability can learn what they need to to pass a standard test. If you are worried that blacks are too ignorant to pass a basic citizenship test then you can go start a charity for blacks. Make sure to tell them you want to save them because you think they are too stupid to figure it out themselves and video tape it so I can laugh at their response.

    If you choose not to do the work needed to pass the test then you can’t vote, because voting is a responsibility.

  3. 10 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    But a guard dog – on duty guarding – IS dangerous to anyone trying to trespass. THAT is what the sign is for. Because if someone wanders onto your property, and gets bit, you could be sued. The dog doesn’t know an innocent ‘cutting through property’ versus a malicious trespass – so you warn others to stay away unless invited.

  4. 10 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    But a guard dog – on duty guarding – IS dangerous to anyone trying to trespass. THAT is what the sign is for. Because if someone wanders onto your property, and gets bit, you could be sued. The dog doesn’t know an innocent ‘cutting through property’ versus a malicious trespass – so you warn others to stay away unless invited.

  5. 10 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Or TP rolls – cut the ends so they splay out and it’s even more fun, my cats LOVE them.

  6. about 1 year ago on Pearls Before Swine

    When young children ask “what is that THING?!?” then it’s probably not blending in. Yes this actually happened. As we were trying to narrow down what “thing” my nephew was talking about, his description included giant (twice as tall as the local trees), black (dark green), and “looks like a monster” (he’s a bit dramatic).

  7. about 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    Heh – I read it as light (opposite dark) as in, they all napped in a sunbeam to refresh themselves :-D

  8. over 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    From the last week-long power outage these steps were added to my check-list- Fill tub with water for toilets and another container with drinking water (well water)- Firewood in the garage so it stays dry- Coffee already ground and a verified way to heat water without electricity

  9. over 1 year ago on FoxTrot

    What seems to be most appropriate would be to make it Standard Time year round at the national level and to allow states to make their own local decisions (with the stipulations that they need clearly defined zones and time changes). We already have something like that (Arizona is permanent standard time), but most states just seem to default to the national standard. Due to the variations in day lengths, Maine likely has a very different opinion than that of Texas – but Alaska likely doesn’t care either way since 2 months of darkness isn’t effected by an hour shift. Either way the time should stop changing (unless locally people vote for it).

  10. about 2 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Just because I don’t agree with your political philosophies doesn’t mean I don’t care about life. What if I were to declare that you were “anti-life” just because you wanted to ban guns and make women and children more vulnerable. Declared you were anti-poor because you supported welfare systems that ended up harming the poor.

    I don’t because i know you think you are helping the poor and the vulnerable. You are acting emotionally and not logically. What is actually helpful for people is often NOT what is nice. Giving a child candy 24/7 is nice and it makes you feel good, but it’s not helpful and will harm them in the long run. Look at my answers again. I’m advocating for long-term health and well-being, not sort term “feel-good” strategies.