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MaryMitch Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 3 years ago on Baby Blues

    You sound like someone who has never seen a kid.

  2. about 4 years ago on Pickles

    My dad used to call me before Christmas: “What am I going to give your mother?”

  3. over 4 years ago on Pickles

    My mom was prescribed Prozac for a problem, and after a couple months she started to have hallucinations – animals in the house, for example. I discussed it with my Dad, and he said she’d been really nice the last couple days and maybe we should just leave well enough alone.

  4. over 4 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Wow, I had the first 2 panels clipped and laminated and hanging in my office for years! I think most working people have felt this way.

  5. over 4 years ago on Close to Home

    According to the Sweet Potato Queens: every woman needs five men in her life: one to fix things, one to pay for things, one to dance with, one to talk to and one for sex. Four of the five can be gay.

  6. over 5 years ago on Close to Home

    When you turn 50, the AARP sends you an invitation to join. Often it comes in the mail on your birthday.

  7. over 5 years ago on Pickles

    I wish I could get my parents to throw out old cables and remotes!

  8. over 7 years ago on Close to Home

    Ooh, I wonder if that typo made it to the papers?