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  1. 3 days ago on bacon


  2. 3 days ago on Day by Dave

    What is the second one in line. The irregular shaped one?

  3. 13 days ago on Cornered

    Is that big guy supposed to be black?

    If so, then my bad.

  4. 15 days ago on Cornered

    The vast majority of inmates are black or Latino. Yet you never see one in ANY cartoon about prisoners. Why is that? Afraid of offending? It is reality.

  5. 15 days ago on Reality Check

    The vast majority of inmates are black or Latino. Yet you never see one in ANY cartoon about prisoners. Why is that? Afraid of offending? It is reality. This IS Reality Check.

  6. 19 days ago on Farcus


  7. about 2 months ago on Real Life Adventures

    Been there, sadly.

  8. 3 months ago on Wrong Hands

    ‘Talking Leaves’ is what the Indians called the books that white men read. Johnny Cash (heard of him?) wrote a song about it. You might want to You Tube it. But then, you know this, right?

    That was my first thought when I saw your title. Honest mistake. But, no, you gotta be smug, even tho I joked about it.

    Man, do I hate cartoonists that feel like they can be condescending to their readers. I have never said ANYTHING negative about your cartoons. NEVER. Mark Parisi of ‘Off the Mark’ did the same thing. Again, I had NEVER said anything negative about his cartoons. He had a reference to beer tasting that I called obscure. Got 9 likes on it, too.

    If you’re gonna get defensive, don’t read the comments.


  9. 3 months ago on Wrong Hands

    Good one.

  10. 3 months ago on Wrong Hands

    ‘Taking’ leaves? :) Still funny. I NEVR maik tiepos.