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- over 6 years ago on Luann
about 7 years ago
on Luann
I work retail so am on my feet at least 8 hours a day. LOVE my foot soak/massager. It makes all kinds of difference.
over 7 years ago
on Rose is Rose
Actually possums are very low on the rabies vector due to their low body temperature. I LOVE my neighborhood possums. They eat snails, slugs & all kinds of disgusting bugs. They show their teeth when they are scared but they rarely hurt people. Given the choice, I would choose possums over 90% of the people on this planet. Possums are useful, many people? Not so much.
over 7 years ago
on Luann
OR Shannon could just be a child with a good imagination who needs an outlet. Jonah is so busy with his moronic dreams of being a star that I would bet Shannon’s home life is a series of “Be quiet, Shannon” because loser bum daddy needs to study his lines. There are absolutely kids who can benefit from ADD/ADHD medications, HOWEVER, there are also a lot of kids who are being unnecessarily medicated.My great nephew tests on the low end of the autism spectrum. His autism is more like a learning disability. He is a very quiet, well mannered child. My sister is his grandma & she has an idiot friend who INSISTS that Brayden is ADD or ADHD. My sister has put that child through all kinds of tests & NONE of the doctors confirmed an ADD/ADHD diagnosis. When I was a Cub Scout leader in the 1990’s, HALF of the boys in our Pack were on some kind of medicine for ADD/ADHD. In FAR too many instances, parents use the drugs as an excuse. My son was a very high energy kid with a short attention span, just as I was a very high energy kid with a short attention span. Instead of jumping on the “oh, he has ADD/ADHD & needs medications” we found fun things to keep him busy & active. Of course, we also participated in some of his activities by being Scout leaders & PTA volunteers so that might have made the difference. One thing that I found interestin in our Cub Scout Pack was that the kids who took the most meds had parents who were NOT involved in even one of their kids’ activities. It would be interesting to see a study done on parent involvement in relation to ADD/ADHD diagnoses.
over 7 years ago
on Luann
Because some people, not Jonah the pathetic loser bum, believe that family is important. Every day I check the strip, HOPING that Jonah has a speedy demise.
over 7 years ago
on Luann
Jonah DOESN’T truly care about anyone other than himself. He is a selfish man-child who needs to get hit by a bus.
over 7 years ago
on Luann
Thank you.
over 7 years ago
on Luann
Asharah, concerns are very valid. HOWEVER, any parent who hasn’t even attempted to prepare their college age student for living in a party town like Austin has already failed. It is NOT the job of campus security to body guard a precious snowflake of a student. It isn’t as if Austin hasn’t had a party town reputation for DECADES. When my niece entered freshman year, she was 17. Her mom prepared her for life in Austin & Bri never had any problems. Of course, she also wasn’t raised by helicopter parents. When Bri announced she wanted to go to college in Austin, her mom gave her a year to show that she could handle her own business. She did all of her college, grant, scholarhip & financial aid applications. She knew she would have to work her way through college & she did. By preparing well & working, she graduated with virtually no debt. It can be done.
over 7 years ago
on Luann
My hope is that someone will have to explain death to Shannon as a result of her loser bum father getting run over by a bus. JUST kill Jonah off already, he is a waste of oxygen.
over 7 years ago
on Luann
Jonah’s true talent is in the art of manipulation. He is never going to be a “star” but he is such an idiot that he will never realize that. WHY would he have an alternate plan? He knows that Toni will never say no to Shannon & being the useless user that he is, he will be playing that card until one of them is dead. I hope it will be Jonah; he has nothing to offer anyone.
What a surprise. Jonah the loser bum dad isn’t buying Shannon’s school supplies.