Hasbro was pretty good in general with MLP. THey’d usually let new episodes stay up on YouTube for a few days at least and mostly didn’t bother fan projects. They had to at least make a show of protecting their copyrights and trademarks, but they really weren’t that aggressive about it.
Oh a Princess style phone. We have one of those. The phone in the kitchen (which still works fine) is a black, rotary dial, wall mount phone made by Western Bell. I make calls on it regularly. When we switched over to DSL internet, the reaction of the installation tech was funny when we told him to split the line going into it for the modem.
They probably do. I don’t think school endorsed bully ball….err…dodgeball is still done. If it is, those PE teachers should be tied spread eagle against a wall facing forward for a day each year for any of the students to come by and nail with dodgeballs filled to overpressure, no target restrictions no protective gear just like the students forced to play it. I guarantee that would be the last we’d hear of dodgeball.
As a retired newspaper editor, you more than most should know that use of language changes and evolves over time. If one isn’t sure of another’s gender, which pronoun would you suggest? Stop trying to play gatekeeper.
Marigold just totally punk’d Phoebe.