
JamieChambers Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    it would take my 5 year old 2 minutes to make a fake Jackson Pollack

  2. over 4 years ago on Bloom County

    wait, wait, wait…. there’s canned Quiche?

  3. over 4 years ago on Bloom County

    wrap your hand around a .45 with a fur glove and don’t use your thumb.. pop a round, please be videoing when you do this…

  4. about 5 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    is that Poppin’s Penguin drinking White Claw?

  5. over 5 years ago on Luann

    if her father doesn’t show, or Effel DOES show, ….

  6. over 5 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    I wonder if Trump owns any stock in Twitter?

  7. over 5 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    hmmm have access to the ravings of a leader with no filter or have all of your info come from a Media that you can’t trust..Oddly, I WOULD trust the Bloom Picayune as my main news source..

  8. over 5 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    well, his brain WAS once inside a cat..

  9. over 5 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    ever wonder what happens when your favorite cartoonist wakes up from a 9 day opium binge?

  10. over 5 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    I find that a bit offensive, Godfredaniel, I feel perfectly comfortable making fun of Trump and if you can’t find humor in the DNC then you are pretty blind. #udderlingering#metoo