
GaryCooper Free

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  1. 5 days ago on Lay Lines

    The French term for a still life is “nature mort”— literally, “dead nature.”

  2. 5 days ago on Lay Lines

    If you make a copy, and sell it as a copy, it’s legitimate (unless the original is under copyright). But if you make a fake Da Vinci or Rembrandt or whatever and sell it as a work by the famous artist, that’s fraud.

  3. 11 days ago on JumpStart

    Yikes! Stick a paper clip under your fingernail? That would hurt more than hitting your finger with a hammer.

    I’ve gotten splinters under my nails, and it may have been the worst pain I’ve ever felt.

  4. 11 days ago on Baldo

    At some point in my life, I realized I’m no good at being anybody else. All I can hope for is to be the best me I can be.

  5. 11 days ago on Baldo

    She’s done all that while having enormous health problems. Yes, she’s impressive.

  6. 11 days ago on Peanuts Begins

    Or Liszt.

  7. 11 days ago on Peanuts Begins

    There’s a piano style called stride, although I don’t know what defines it.

  8. 17 days ago on Peanuts Begins

    Oh, yes, I guess that’s Violet, not Lucy, in today’s strip.

  9. 19 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Better check to see if the customer is wearing a blended-fiber fabric. That’s against the Laws of Moses.

  10. 20 days ago on Peanuts Begins

    Years later, Snoopy and Lucy will both be on the baseball team CB will organize.