
DonnaWilliams1 Free

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  1. over 7 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I had to go look up “the fourth wall” cuz when I don’t get something, I look it up. Go thou and do likewise. Do the research on climate change! Look it up! I finally decided, really, I should learn more about what the “climage deniers” are saying, so I checked out a politically incorrect book at the library. Guess what I learned? The author of the book used to work for the Tobacco Institute! Aha! That’s were all those disreputable so-called “scientists” went after people finally tumbled to the real dangers of smoking. Now they’re casting doubt on the real dangers of global pollution. For shame! Our grandchildren are screwed because you guys want to make a buck off the end of world. Humans! (We’re toast.)