The Wanderer's Profile

The Wanderer Free
I am many things. Gamer. Game developer. Nerd. Runner. Biker. Conservationist. Space enthusiast. Nature enthusiast. Christian. Bisexual (and proud of it!) Sister. Planning to change the world (hopefully for the better...) I love animals, and tolerate humans. I hope that humans can learn to be better, and live in harmony with the other animals on our planet. I believe that God will return once we've all learned to stop being such puffed up pompous ***-holes and learned to get along with animals of all different species, races, sizes, and genders. I know that this probably won't happen in my lifetime, but I'm going to to the best I can to help things along in that direction. I may not be remembered for the work I do. I will likely fade into obscurity like many of the scientists before me. But if it helps, even a little bit, to push things in the right direction, then I'll be happy.
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NA na na na nana na na na na na na…….. FAT MAN!