
dkolsen1125 Premium

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  1. 5 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Curious. So you spent the week with Biden did you? You’re aware of his total work agenda for the week? You understand that multiple topics require multiple specialists? You know the work he was performing in addition to prepartation? You know, when my management team and I gather for a week-long work session we are secluded from everything BUT the work that needs to be performed during that week. Biden’s just being prudent.

  2. 5 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Let’s see Swampy, you’ve got a candidate who prepares for a debate and one who wings it. As leader of the free world I’m much more comfortable having someone who wants to be prepared than someone who simply pulls things out of his a**.

  3. 5 days ago on Steve Kelley

    The irony of a Trump supporter having to reach back to Hillary Clinton to pontificate about dishonesty is gobsmackingly mind boggling, particulary when everything said after “Hello, I’m Donald Trump” must be fact checked.

  4. 5 days ago on Clay Bennett

    What a novel idea. Study. Do your homework. Prepare. Practice. Who could possibly think preparation is necessary for, to date, the singlemost important televised opportunity to present your case for being elected president of the United States? The mere comparison of “study” versus “criticize-for-studying” speaks volumes about the intllectual maturity of the two candidates.

  5. 7 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Here’s a novel idea: COLLECT TAXES OWED! The average annual tax gap (amount owed less amount collected) is $539B. That’s billion with a “B.” But congress, in its current infinite wisdom, won’t even fund the IRS for personnel attrition let alone adequate staffing to collect what’s due. .Org/blog/2023/11/the-united-states-forgoes-hundreds-of-billions-of-dollars-each-year-due-to-unpaid-taxes

  6. 8 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Eat crayons? Yup! Right after he’s done throwing his hamberder against the wall.

  7. 12 days ago on Pedro X. Molina

    No. Not “Rent Me.” The robes should say “Available to the Highest Bidder.”

  8. 12 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    IF Trump shows up I fully expect him to object to being muted and storm off and end the debate crying CNN has been unfair. And I’m guessing it may very well be a scripted plan. The MAGATS would go wild(er).

  9. 13 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    I think there’s a strong second possibility. Because the debate is going to be controlled by a “mute button” I can easily see Trump intentionally abuse alloted time — get muted — and then storm off claiming CNN was unfair to him. His toadies will hail him as a hero. And it wouldn’t surprise me if that isn’t already scripted into the Trump strategy.

  10. 14 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Oh cowboy, I’m thinkin’ your hat might be a bit too tight. Your comparison of guns to cars needs a little work. Cars are registered. And licensed. And regulated. And taxed. And (in most states) inspected. They have trackable titles. They are subject to impoundment. Their operators are restricted and licensed. And amazingly, everyone accepts the rules because it’s understood we all benefit by safe auto operation. Guns? No so much.