
AlanSmithee1 Free

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  1. over 7 years ago on Luann

    ‘Finance" might be the wrong term but he basically had it built for them. And he didn’t offer to manage the place. Frank wanted to talk to him about that but Mr. Gray told him he wasn’t for hire. IIRC the only thing he asked for in return for his help was for them to hire his nephew Les. I think it’s safe to say A.E. is up to no good and it doesn’t look good for Les but it could go either way for Gray’s involvement. Could be that none of them are actually related and they’re all just scam artists. I wonder if he’s serious about Gunther’s mom? If he is and he’s involved in some plot to hurt the Degroots I expect Gunther’s mom will give him a stern talking to.

  2. over 7 years ago on Luann

    I wonder what DJ will have to say when he finds out she is back in town. Hopefully at least he, if not Les will keep an eiffel on Anne.