
Pazy of Prussia Free

"The greatest and noblest pleasure which men can have in this world is to discover new truths; and the next is to shake off old prejudices."

Recent Comments

  1. about 3 years ago on Big Nate

    I literally never could have predicted such an incredible and subversive conclusion to this story!I was on the edge of my seat the entire time

  2. about 3 years ago on Big Nate

    just to clarify I am not 30, but I have read the entire 30 years worth of Big Nate comics

  3. about 3 years ago on Big Nate

    I feel like for those of us who have read the entire Big Nate catalogue (30 years now), or for even those who have been reading for a few years these kinds of stories always tend to go the same way

    -Oh, an Arthur comic

    -Nice, they’re comparing Nate and Arthur, I’ll be Arthur will win

    -I hope Nate wins, just because Arthur always wins. That’s all I even need anymore, just a single change from the formula

    -Oh, Arthur won… what a twist

    -And as always Nate is upset

    Tomorrow we’ll find out if this arc is going the same way, which it seems to be doing

  4. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    Now I mean just from a purely business standpoint starting a t-shirt company actually is a good foundation, and can be especially nice as a side hustle if the company remains small. However that usually involves some basic understanding of how money or, lets be real, the t-shirt creation process. I’m not sure Nate has either of these skills

  5. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    So, as I said a few weeks ago, this comic has a bit of a trend, that trend being the fact that 90% of the arcs over the last few years have just been the same thing of:-Nate has an idea/thinks something good is going to happen-We build up to that good thing happening-Its revealed its not going to happen, nothing changes haha Nate’s life sucks

    Now I get it, comics can’t have world changing arcs all that often because they run for decades, so I understand why the status quo isn’t changed much by these arcs. But is there any reason they ALL have to just be bad stuff happening to Nate? Isn’t it okay if he wins one? Or if there’s a fight between him and his friends, or a school trip like way back in the day, or a chess tournament (remember when he used to do that?) or a girl he likes, or comics he draws. I feel like over time everything that made Nate a character just kinda went away.

    -He doesn’t draw anymore-He doesn’t play chess anymore-He doesn’t do music anymore with his band-He doesn’t do wild schemes anymore UNLESS they’re bad ones intended to go wrong-He doesn’t have a crush on anyone anymore

    The only thing he still does have is that he’s arrogant, and while thats a part of him that wasn’t the only thing, I don’t think its the reason anyone fell in love with this comic. I can’t even remember the last time Nate pursued any of his hobbies at all, or the last time we saw anything outside of this same loop that was really fun.

    Maybe I’m just old now and trying to hold onto the nostalgia this comic gives, but I don’t think I’m entirely wrong when I say the last few years have been a bit dull for us, and a bit too harsh on Nate. I hope that changes.

  6. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    Well, I haven’t commented here in a long time but it feels like a good day to.

    People have already said this but I feel like at some point a long time ago this comic sort of lost its charm for me. I mostly read it out of habit these days.

    I don’t say that to be hostile or anything like that, but rather just as an honest opinion. For the last several years I feel like there’s been a set loop that happens with almost every other story that this comic runs.Nate gets good news → He’s happy → its revealed nothing has changed/nothing good actually happened.

    Just looking through the comments here can show anyone just how old this cycle has become, with most anyone being able to predict what would happen just because its happened so many times before.

    I’ve been reading this comic for a long time, and I remember back when there used to be a bit more soul to it. Remember when Nate used to have talents? He used to draw, play chess, go to his comics club, and a million other things. Nowadays it feels like Nate’s only talent is being a jerk and getting punished for it, which has so little to offer after awhile.

    I could be alone here, but I’d love to see a return to the creative and unique stories of years past, it was the reason I started reading this comic in the first place, but until then I’ll still keep reading, but perhaps not enjoying it as much as I once did.

  7. over 4 years ago on Big Nate

    So I doubt anyone here will remember, but I used to be active in these comments over 2 years ago when all this poll stuff started, and I gotta say I’m seriously surprised its STILL such a big deal two years later. I mean, yall, its a big nate comment board. If you don’t like whats commented there just… don’t read it. Also I’m just going to point this out but the more attention you give people the more they are going to do what they do. Basically, polls only lasted this long because people tried to stop them, turning it into a way to get attention.

  8. over 6 years ago on Big Nate

    I love how quickly this conversation devolved to hating on Christians and the Bible. Someone isn’t allowed to read Harry Potter? I know! Lets trash on other people’s religion, that’ll show em! Why act mature and accept other people’s views of the world when you can act like a child and insult them instead?

  9. almost 7 years ago on Big Nate

    It was just a pun lad

  10. about 7 years ago on Big Nate

    Never in my life have I needed something so much and not known until I received it