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- over 6 years ago on Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
over 6 years ago
on Nancy
This comic strip is promoting laziness and disrespect from whippersnappers! And on top of that, I don’t even want to have sex with any characters in this strip – these fictional drawings aren’t hot at all. This is an affront to my conservative values! Down with Jaimes, bring back Guy! #MakeNancyPornographicAgain
over 6 years ago
on Nancy
I am outraged! Outraged, I say, that Jaimes would dare to portray a woman as causing distress to a male in any way! Bushmiller would never have drawn this liberal departure from the traditional values of the 50’s. And by that I mean the 1750’s. B.C. Society has just gone to absolute hell since Hammurabi died.
almost 7 years ago
on Joe Heller
Ionizer, there is pretty much nothing that any person could say about white people as a race that would be even remotely as insulting as referring to a black person as an “ape” – the issue is that in the past, white people used moronic pseudo-science comparing black people to primates, in order to justify slavery and other atrocities toward black people. Just like the “N word”, there is no similar insult that can be used toward white people, because of the intense historical context. There is nothing I can call a white person that carries the same implication, namely that they deserve the kind of rape, torture, and enslavement that their ancestors were subjected to.
In summary, white people who think they have been the victims of the “same” kind of racism that Roseanne was throwing at a black person are nothing but a bunch of whiny snowflakes. -
almost 7 years ago
on Ken Catalino
California, one of the most liberal states in the U.S., just overtook the U.K. to become the world’s fifth largest economy on its own. If you want anyone to thank for economic growth in the U.S., California would be a good place to start. Trump’s regressive policies do nothing except to delay progress. He is squashing the growing solar industry to try to save the dying coal industry. That’s about as smart as taxing welders into oblivion in a dumb attempt to save the blacksmith industry.
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
And a bunch of ancient old men are upset because this new artist isn’t as interested in drawing so many titzies.
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
“Wahhh, boohooo, the feminists are stealing comics from us by making them funny!” – What a bunch of geriatric snowflakes…
almost 7 years ago
on New Adventures of Queen Victoria
Just because the First Amendment exists doesn’t automatically mean that anyone is inherently more free because of it. The Supreme Court didn’t recognize that gay people have a right to marry until 2015, even though the Constitution existed long before then. America wasn’t very free for gay people before 2015, even though the Constitution theoretically protected their right to marry just like everyone else the whole time.
almost 7 years ago
on New Adventures of Queen Victoria
According to the Cato Institute, a libertarian leaning policy think tank, the US ranked 17th in the world for individual freedoms in 2017:
Many other freedom indexes rank the US even lower – few rank it higher. Conservatives can rant about the U.S. Bill of Rights, but my experience is that very few of them have read any of it or respect any of it except for one sentence in the 2nd amendment.
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
I came to check out this strip because I keep seeing it in the daily highlights, and I was surprised to see that it was actually witty and entertaining. Having dismissed this comic long ago as being just another saccharine, unfunny, nostalgia-fest that should have died in past decades, I was curious to see what changed. Unbeknownst to me, apparently there has been quite the controversy raging over this new artist.
Well, I’m just here to say that this new artist seems vastly superior by my millennial sensibilities. I never would have thought that Nancy, of all comics, would be a comic that I would start following, but the world can be unpredictable sometimes. Keep up the good work, Olivia Jaimes.
Zach Weinersmith is brilliant, and I would bet money that he is fairly liberal, given the themes of some of his comics ( But his sense of humor is a little bit dark, and always has been ( It’s just a matter of personal taste, I guess.