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Am I the only one who noticed how… phallic… the whipped cream looked?
I’m guessing porn.
Sadly, that’s accurate.
RIP Tablet… never forget.
The genius that is… Leonardo DiCaprio.
I love the second panel!
Fake news!
Spaceman Spiff! A nod to the amazing Calvin and Hobbes, another long-lost comic great.
I’m sorry, but that is not a legitimate micronation. In international law, the Montevideo Convention on the Right and Duties of States sets down the criteria for statehood in article 1: The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; © government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.
slow clap
Am I the only one who noticed how… phallic… the whipped cream looked?