It is standard that railroad tracks should not have a grade more than 2%. Steel against steel has very little traction. Any tracks with a grade much more than 2% are cog railroads, look up Mount Washington, NH.
I wonder how many people noticed, at 2024 Wimbledon, the service speed was displayed in MPH. The U.S isn’t the only country that uses imperial. But I do think that people who use imperial should be at least be familiar with metric.
Nuns believed that left-handed people are possessed by the devil. My second grade teacher (public school) gave me 4 perfect crescent scabs on my left forearm. My father asked me about them; I told him who did them but I didn’t know why. I think he gave her heck. I’m not sure; back in those days an adult could give another adult heck, but to tell your kid you did was strictly forbidden. You always had to preserve the dignity of the adult.
It is standard that railroad tracks should not have a grade more than 2%. Steel against steel has very little traction. Any tracks with a grade much more than 2% are cog railroads, look up Mount Washington, NH.