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Rob McLean Free

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  1. 2 days ago on Gil Thorp

    “I don’t get why you’re so hostile.”

    As an old professor once said to me, “Anger is the natural reaction to being lied to.”

  2. 2 days ago on Gil Thorp

    “I’m going to share my direct messages.”

    That’s…not the flex you think it is. Random DMs (especially the ones you deign to share with us!) are not exactly an unbiased source.

    “There’s a group on Facebook.”

    So? There’s a group for everything on Facebook.

    “Do your own research if you need science to prove your claims.”

    They’re your claims, Mr. Author. You’re the one claiming that readership is up and is positive, despite all indications to the contrary. We don’t have to prove a gosh-darned thing.

    “Again, my royalty statements reflect that and I’m not going to share those.”

    Then your credibility is where it’s always been: zero.

    “I’m not going anywhere.”

    I will live to see your arrogant, no-talent keister get fired.

  3. 6 days ago on Gil Thorp

    1) “I can’t share information that I don’t own. You can go to my Kickstarter page for DTP and see the transparent numbers there.”

    That’s just BS. Considering how often you trumpet how popular the strip is, you’d think you’d be shouting the numbers from the rooftops. (It’s your job to share the numbers, not tell somebody to find it for themselves.)

    2) “Her storytelling abilities, her attention to detail, and fashion.”

    She’s…not that good at drawing ‘Gil Thorp’, just like you’re not that good at writing it. I’ve seen other examples of work from both of you, and they’re…fine, I guess. But neither of you should be working on ‘Gil Thorp’; it’s just not your thing.

    3) “Just because you don’t like doesn’t mean it’s proven. There are thousands of readers. Comment boards don’t reflect the entire readership’s attitude.”

    So…when people on “comment boards” (geez, the condescension practically drips off the page) disagree with you, their opinions don’t mean anything? Only the opinions of the phantom readership who think you’re a genius?

    4) “The fact that Gil Thorp is a fictional comic that has existed since 1958 and Gil Thorp’s age hasn’t reflected his actual age if it was told in real-time should tell you everything you need to know.”

    Another non-answer. Moving on…

    5) “I have been watching and going to live events. I’m doing the work.”

    Obviously, you’re not learning very much. Nobody’s expecting you to be an ESPN anchor, but it would be nice if you had some basic knowledge on sports. After two and a half years, you still have very little. And that’s just inexcusable.

  4. 7 days ago on Gil Thorp

    The Ohio High School Athletic Association apparently still considered Nuxhall an amateur in sports other than baseball, so he returned to Hamilton High and was all-state in both football and basketball!

  5. 7 days ago on Gil Thorp

    There’s actually precedent for that: Joe Nuxhall pitched for the Cincinnati Reds at age 15 during WW2. He was later placed on the “voluntarily retired” list so he could go back to high school, and participated in HS sports again. (I’m guessing that the author knows about none of this, and just assumes pro and collegiate and scholastic sports are all the same.)

  6. 7 days ago on Gil Thorp

    I’m pretty sure that ‘Why does this strip suck?’ counts as an “insult” and is thus unanswerable by the author. So, here are some non-insulting questions:

    1) You’ve claimed that readership is up; what’s your proof? Let’s see some numbers.

    2) What was it about Rachel Merrill’s drawing style that made you believe she was a good fit for drawing this strip?

    3) Why make so many wholesale changes to the main characters, especially since the changes have proven to be so unpopular with the readership?

    4) Is ‘Gil Thorp’ even meant to be realistic? Or is it more of a fever dream, like the early 20th century classic strip “Dream of the Rarebit Fiend”?

    5) After two and a half years, do you finally plan to become better informed on high school sports, since ‘Gil Thorp’ is a comic strip about, you know, high school sports?

    There. I await your replies. (Not holding my breath.)

  7. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Technically, “AMA” stands for “Ask Me Anything”, not “Ask Me Anything And I’ll Mostly Refuse To Answer, You Bigots”.

  8. 9 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Jarvis: tossing resumes because of pronouns is dumb; please tell me you don’t really do that!

    And the very idea of the author is accusing someone else of being “triggered”…?! Pot, kettle, black.

  9. 9 days ago on Gil Thorp


  10. 10 days ago on Gil Thorp

    How about this comic strip?! So awful!