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ardrhi Premium

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  1. 26 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Some folks say she didn’t do it. Others say “of course she did.” But they all agree Miss Lizzie B. was a problem kind of kid.

  2. 9 months ago on Outland

    Time, the quality that keeps everything from happening all at once. Space, the quality that keeps everything from happening to YOU.

  3. 10 months ago on Bloom County 2019

    Wait a minute…I smell censorship! I distinctly remember “tomato” being part of that description. The Phillistines! Tampering with history? We’ll carpet-bomb their carpets! FOR SPACE KING!!!!

  4. 10 months ago on Bloom County 2019

    Didn’t Cutter John have a squeeze? And a moustache? Or is this some “Ultimate Bloom Universe” BS?

  5. almost 3 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That was the sweetest thing EVER!!! (sniffle…)

  6. about 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m not a big tea drinker, so when I do have tea, I like it to be good tea. I buy my tea from Sri Lanka, through Dru Era. They ship via FedEx, so it arrives very quickly. I usually get their black tea. They have it in both full leaf and broken, their Dimbula Orange Pekoe. It’s very good!

    They’ve got green tea, herbal tea, oolong tea, and white tea as well. I started getting things from them when I wanted to have REAL cinnamon, not the Cassia they sell in the grocery store. (I don’t want that much coumarin in my diet, thank you!)


  7. almost 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    That isn’t a snake, it’s a Partnership Collective drone! Tagon’s Toughs have a ruling that allows those drones to be killed for the bounty, to pay an indemnity the Partnership Collective lost! It’s one of the few court decisions that properly treated a clone-hive of attorneys. (His little necktie is even orange!)

    I suspect St. Patrick was simply kicking the drones out so there wouldn’t be any collateral damage once the mercenaries start blasting lawyers!


  8. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    With all this Mow Mow talk, what does Puck think of ZZ Top?

  9. about 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Not to be confused with Spoon Theory. https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/

  10. about 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I agree that it’s ginger ale, but Vernor’s is by far the superior product.