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  1. over 6 years ago on Texts From Mittens


  2. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    Well you can’t forget the original humor of the strip (it’s more of a drama now and that’s no criticism because it’s more addictive as a drama), in which bringing canned beans back to eat was grounds for the death sentence. Also, among the first strips with the cat (I forget the character’s name) showed that it isn’t just that they appear to be an anthropomorphized version of a cat but they’re also influenced by catnip like a drug. Maybe it’s all in their heads, but in a world where whether you were awake or asleep when you got “infected” decides whether or not you come out as a cute animal or a hideous monster what’s in their heads is clearly having an impact on how everyone else sees them too.

  3. about 7 years ago on Doonesbury

    Of course, he had depicted Trump in the 1990’s so it would be a bit odd for him to suddenly stop depicting him and instead use an icon just because Trump decided to run for President…

  4. about 7 years ago on Doonesbury

    His point was that people who were that age range when that strip was originally run in 1990 would now be so old that they would qualify for Medicare, which is a trip. Time flies.

  5. over 7 years ago on Doonesbury

    These are all really old re-prints of a strip that began in 1970. Boopsie was a stereotypical airhead cheerleader almost fifty years ago to go with B.D.’s stereotypical macho conservative thing. The only new cartoons today are the Sunday strips. Look at Boopsie and B.D. in the September 24 strip less than a month ago, and it is obvious the characters have evolved over almost fifty years.

  6. over 7 years ago on Doonesbury

    Trump acts like a toddler, but he is not restricted to the intelligence of a toddler. He has an adult’s intelligence with the emotional maturity of a toddler. As a result, his staff is forced to brief him on critical, complex issues in twitter-length soundbites with pictures to keep his attention because he has the attention span of a toddler. His staff has to show him flattering news stories about himself to keep him pacified and avoid a temper tantrum. His staff, if they only could, would take away his twitter privileges. All the stories that leak out of the white house are about coddling Trump because he can’t handle criticism and doesn’t have the patience to learn anything. But we’re talking about an adult – not a child. There is something fundamentally wrong if an adult can’t handle any criticism without throwing a temper tantrum and can’t pay attention or read something longer than two sentences and needs to see pictures with the words to keep his attention.

    Trump didn’t do that recent campaign event (just 7 months into his 4 year term) to get a leg up on the competition for the 2020 primaries. He did it because he was desperate for a crowd roaring with approval for him, and he knew a campaign event would give it to him. During the campaign he was on top of the world, but the reality of the job and the heightened scrutiny and criticism has left a bad taste in his mouth. He’s accustomed to working in a circle of sycophants, and he can’t wrap his mind around the fact that the President has to deal with people who don’t think he’s the best ever at everything. Trudeau didn’t mention narcissistic personality disorder, but if you look it up you’ll find it sounds just like Trump. That recent campaign event fits what someone with NPD would do in the face of the criticism Trump has faced. Criticized for equating neo nazis with protesters against racism and antisemitism? Throw a party where only your biggest fans can come and cheer you on.

  7. over 7 years ago on Doonesbury

    I think you’re giving Trump way too much credit here. He’s not a strategic person, and he does not take strategic advice from any of his professional advisers. If there was a strategic bone in his body, his staff wouldn’t be forced to brief him on critical, complex issues in twitter-length soundbites with pictures to keep his attention and ensure he sees only flattering news stories to avoid a temper tantrum. All the stories that leak out of the white house are about coddling Trump because he can’t handle criticism and doesn’t have the patience to learn anything. He’s been winging it from the beginning of his campaign and now that he’s won it hasn’t changed. Was there anything this real estate developer and reality show host didn’t claim to be an expert about during the campaign? Whether military, healthcare, or what have you he knew more than anyone (even if he couldn’t actually say anything specific.) He didn’t do that recent campaign event (just 7 months into his 4 year term) to get a leg up on Pence. He did it because he was desperate for a crowd roaring with approval for him, and he knew a campaign event would give it to him. During the campaign he was on top of the world, but the reality of the job and the heightened scrutiny and criticism has left a bad taste in his mouth. He’s accustomed to working in a circle of sycophants, and he can’t wrap his mind around the fact that the President has to deal with people who don’t think he’s the best ever at everything. Trudeau didn’t mention narcissistic personality disorder, but if you look it up you’ll find it sounds just like Trump and you’ll see that recent campaign event fits what someone with NPD would do in the face of the criticism Trump has faced.