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  1. about 1 month ago on Luann

    Call me a romantic. But I’d call that a happy ending. An inspiring one, anyway.

  2. about 1 month ago on Luann

    The worst possible thing about a long-term relationship is the very high probability that your person will die before you.

    Somebody in my family has cancer. She’s 60. She’s married. It’s treatable, but totally incurable. Hardly anyone lasts more than two years or so with this type of tumor. Her husband is devastated.

    So yes. It’s romantic to imagine you could go at the same time, even though it’s extremely rare. And they are firefighters. Meaning just an ordinary day at work could end in death.

    I really don’t see what’s so hard to get about the fervent desire that having found somebody you could spend the rest of your life with, you wish it could be a very long life, and that you’d end it together.

  3. about 2 months ago on Luann

    Them’s just the ghosts of Snuffy and Barney, and I assume Lo-Wizie. Because it’s a ghost strip. Original creator long gone, along with his successor, but hey—John Rose is just a couple years younger than me. Spring chicken.

    I did not know the strip as a five year old, but there was a King Features cartoon based on it I saw on TV then—and was an expression of nostalgia for a bygone era—in the 1960’s, which is now a bygone era.

    So at least I know the expression “Great Balls of Fire” did not originate with Jerry Lee Lewis. Nor did “time’s a wastin” originate with Carl Smith and June Carter.

    And we complain about the aging process on Luann. Snuffy, Barney, et all, haven’t aged one bit. Spark Plug the horse celebrated his 100th birthday not long ago.

  4. about 2 months ago on Luann

    Okay, so the brand thing is going on a while longer.

    So while we’re waiting—and waiting—and waiting—to see who’s going to date whom, or if they ever date at all—celibate college kids (not counting Kip and Stefani) seems a bit dated, but never mind that now.

    If you suddenly found yourself in the Luannverse, and were college age again (I get the vey distinct feeling nobody on this comments section is anywhere near that young—like you read comic strips—hey, anybody seen The Yellow Kid, Barney Google, or Moon Mullins lately? Getting worried.)—just a question. Who would you want to date?

    Right now, kinda liking Tara. Probably because she never gets her own storyline. Side characters are always more fun. ;)

  5. about 2 months ago on Luann

    Well without it, how would the rancher know if you’re one of his cattle or part of some entirely different herd? You could get rustled! So bend over, little dogie. This won’t hurt a bit. Your misfortune and none of my own. You know Wyoming will be your new home


  6. 2 months ago on Luann

    Because on an unconscious level, they know they never say or do anything without the name Luann hanging over their heads, because they live in a comic strip named after her?

    It seems to me people commenting on this strip here do exactly the same thing Tiff and Bets do—endlessly comment on how Luann (the character) is doing everything wrong, dresses badly, should be dating this or that person, and what’s up with her eyebrows?

    Again, I think this is the strip satirizing its own fanbase. ;)

  7. 2 months ago on Luann

    It’s not reasonable to expect comic strip characters to know they are bashing their own brand, since without ‘Luann’, none of them exist. ;)

  8. 2 months ago on Luann

    It seems they really did help Luann get a handle on herself.

    Just not in the way they intended.

  9. 2 months ago on Luann

    Ooh! Age stamp! 19! She was 13 when the strip first appeared in newspapers. Almost 40 years ago. When there were still newspapers. I wish that was a joke.

    So in another four decades or so, our time, she’ll be 24. Living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Possibly dating a zombie.

    Honestly, when time passes that slowly, branding is not such an imperative.

  10. 2 months ago on Luann

    I’m in my sixties, and I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up. I have a job, I have a very long-term relationship, I have friends, I have various interests, and I have a dog.

    Some people define themselves by their career, but I’m not convinced most people do that. I think even people I know who make a very nice living aren’t all that happy with their jobs, because honestly—most jobs suck. They’re someting you do so you can afford to do something else in your spare time. Like eat and sleep under a roof. I don’t dislike my job, and at this point I’d probably miss it if I retired. It doesn’t define me.

    Luann’s ‘brand’ might simply be to be Luann, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Teacher is one of the most useful and admirable jobs there is. I tried it, briefly. It’s also one of the most irritating and exhausting jobs. Unless you really love it, which I’m not convinced most teachers do—but some do. The teachers I know who love it are really great people to be around.