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Recent Comments

  1. almost 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    While they might go on into the next world, nothing says they have to stay there all the time. They can come back to their best loved places and look in on us to be sure we’re okay. This is in Cynthia Rylant’s “Cat Heaven” and is also a Spiritualist belief, besides being one of the things Halloween and All Saints are all about.

  2. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Please don’t let this be April Fools…

  3. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Tommy’s outfit omg

  4. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    This is so Night Vale. Just in time for the annual Destroy the Moon Festival (July 26)! “We hate you, Moon!”

  5. about 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I also have a plastic bin for crunchies because ANTS.