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johnjohanna08 Free

Recent Comments

  1. 6 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Actually, what is more worrying to me is that people are actually liking the comment. Cruelty is never the right answer. You may not agree with the sentiment that a person is expressing and you can be kind in how you say or rebut it, but to be cruel and then for people to like the cruelty really makes you wonder about society today and in general.

  2. over 1 year ago on Bloom County

    You know, looking back at this strip now, doesn’t the guy behind the counter remind you of Mr Incredible?

  3. over 1 year ago on Moderately Confused

    Well, unfortunately this could be either party. One party will blame the other that they broke it and then claim that they will be able to fix it. What I would rather see, probably closer to the truth for me (and it’s just my opinion), is both parties say “Hey, we both effed up here, let’s work together and fix it and let’s do what’s best for as many people as possible and make plans on how we can help the rest so we can put them into action too.” Right now it’s all finger pointing, blaming, shaming, swearing at, accusing, mud slinging, and almost every other thing other than working together to make life better for everyone. It’s a pipe dream I know, but it’s still my dream to have.

  4. almost 2 years ago on Bloom County

    This has been one of my favorites, and it is applicable today as it was back then, though it does seem to be a bit different today back then. I just had a conversation about this very kind of thing over Thanksgiving with an aunt of mine.

  5. almost 2 years ago on Bloom County

    Definitely, I had one of these saved for the longest time. I will print it out and hang it in my office, I’m glad it came up today.

  6. almost 2 years ago on Bloom County

    I agree, I am hoping we get a little time off before things get going again…

  7. over 2 years ago on The Academia Waltz

    Well, given the current climate, unless the US Gov’t does a complete 180, there won’t be any draft, nor will there be any boots on the ground. NATO pretty much have said that all they will do is sanctions.The really scary part is that this reminds me of the mid to late 1930’s, when everyone was in agreement that appeasement would be the answer to preventing another war. Now, instead of appeasement it is sanctions.

  8. almost 3 years ago on Real Life Adventures

    One of my favorite movies, John Candy and Steve Martin together were awesome!

  9. almost 3 years ago on The Academia Waltz

    And some how ends up in Bloom County, unmarried… Now, that would make an interesting story, Steve going through law school and once done finding his way to Bloom County… Sort of a Academia Waltz sequel or Bloom County prequel…

  10. almost 3 years ago on Working Daze

    Here’s a good story when I was a Reserve Brigade Training officer. We just arrived at the National Guard camp and put into the billets. We thought we were the only ones there (we didn’t see any other cots occupied), so my friend and I went to put some water in the fridge in the common area. We found a six pack of Sam Adams still there. So we said, ‘Who would leave this behind? Good luck for us!" So we each had one. Next morning at the daily briefing battalion commander (full colonel) gets up to say his thing and he starts out with "Hey, who ever helped themselves to two of my Sam Adams, I don’t mind if you have one, just ask me first." We bought him a new six pack that night and put it in the fridge. I told him the next morning it was my friend and I and put a full six pack back for him. He and I had a great relationship after that.