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  1. 14 days ago on Luann

    Two stereotypes make for a non funny strip. Your being “that young girl” Luann. Try saying something helpful (for once) rather than reminding mom of her age, and she *might return the favor and start treating you like less of a burden on the family budget/adult.

  2. 5 months ago on Luann

    Dang Boomers, your age is really showing here. Campus security rent a cops is going to get there first to limit campus liability against well meaning college students. They don’t really much other than observe and report. Now go back to Perry Mason. I’m done.

  3. 5 months ago on Luann

    Uh, it’s check for breathing THEN pulse Luann. Also, FYI, saying Stay Calm has never actually helped someone stay calm. Luann should tell one of the other students, by name, to call 911. Most likely a stroke rather than heart attack.

  4. 5 months ago on Luann

    And now Luann is living up to Tara’s standards for getting a life. What. A. Tool.

  5. 5 months ago on Luann

    Well, that sounds like it would get Luann hired. But it definitely won’t make her CEO, plus her brand is competing with a lot of other “healthy, hopeful, enthusiastic young women with a good attitude”, who also have documented quantifiable experience, college degrees, etc.

  6. 5 months ago on Luann

    Of course there is. Girl next door, old fashioned, sweet, helpful. It’s just not super recognizable because it looks unambitious in our capitalist society, and it is. Old fashioned sweet helpful women, while a lovely brand, end up being taken advantage of as low paid teachers, social workers, customer service reps under our current system. Unlike Bets & tiff who are working to figure out the rules of capitalism to NOT be taken financial advantage of. Sooo if blank slate tool of capitalism is the brand Luann wants, give her enough rope to fiscally hang herself.

  7. 5 months ago on Luann

    I dunno…Luanns in college. Trying different things at age 19 is how a lot of (mostly the women) ended up with rise & grind to pay off student loan debt as their “brand” in their 30s. If Luann actually sees herself as full of potential and likes trying new things she should get a full time job. ANY boss we could be happy to take advantage of her current brand. Should also point out Bets & tiff are also full of potential and trying new things. Their just being more financially astute about how they use their potential.

  8. 5 months ago on Luann

    Life is what happens when your looking the other way. – often misattributed to John Lennon. Bets and Tiff have no idea what a brand even is, and that say a lot about the assignment. Building a personal brand is NOT about what you want in the future, it’s about consciously identifying and playing to the strengths you already have, or are perceived to have. Weather that actually gets you what YOU want, vs what others want (being a tool), is a whole nother question. Better questions for Bets & tiff to ask to figure out Luann ambitions: what do you want on your gravestone? What do you want your obituary to say? Finally, it’s very possible that Luann is justifiably conservative/defensive in expressing her wants due to trust issues lingering from her fraught and competitive history with Tiffany. Try getting tiff out of the room before turning on the camera.

  9. 5 months ago on Luann

    Also, ask Luann what she spends most most of her money on. That is usually a good indicator of passion or at least ambition.

  10. 5 months ago on Luann

    Passion is not a good brand indicator. You just end up dressing the part & fake it till you make it (& you may not) with passion. In short, passion and a buck fifty will buy you a cup of coffee. Ask what Luann perceives her strengths are, what other people have complimented her on and positive feedback she has received, and ask how Bets and tiff can HELP LUANN emphasize those qualities. Branding is playing to your strengths not your weaknesses.