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  1. about 6 years ago on Ted Rall

    Yet another Marxist cartoonist pushing Socialism propaganda. Socialism is nothing more than stupid folks who’ve voted in Communism in exchange for freebies. The only way Socialism could ever work is if everyone was a hard working conscientious contributor to society, and freeloader were a small percentage. When it’s first implemented and folks see freeloaders doing well, they stop trying as the difference in effort & pay no longer makes it worth it. The freeloaders also see that they can make up any difference in pay through crime. You want to see Socialism, take a look in any ghetto. Folks living off the govt with some working, and groups of lawless thugs terrorize their neighborhoods. Folks aren’t sneaking into the ghettos at night throwing trash everywhere, spray painting graffiti, and vandalizing everything in sight. It’s the mindset of Socialists that everything is someone else’s responsibility.

    I’m sure the Marxists in our education system are to blame for so many young folks believing that socialism is not only sustainable on a large scale, but better than capitalism. What’s happening in Venezuela is what inevitably happens everywhere socialism is employed. A tyrant takes control and full blown communism is implemented. You can give it different names (i.e. democratic socialism) all you want, but it’s no different.

    Look at how socialist programs implemented by democrats have damaged the US by financially burdening working folks by making them pay for freeloaders and even those who are here illegally. Full blown socialism would make the burden many many times worse.

  2. over 6 years ago on Tom Stiglich

    Some folks believe they don’t have to follow rules or laws. They were asked to leave because this Starbucks has a policy that non-customers are not allowed to use the bathroom, and yet they did. The store manager politely asked them to leave several times, and they refused to do so. They were told that police would be called, and they still refused.

    The Philly PD even gave them a few chances to walk out the door, and they still refused, so they were arrested for trespassing. This is standard protocol in these sort of situations, and there’s nothing racist about it at all, other than the race hustlers coming out of the woodwork claiming they were arrested for being black. Of course Starbucks contacted the PD and said they wouldn’t press charges — mostly out of fear of blacklash. I’m certain the store will now be vandalized and the store manager attacked based upon yet another race hoax.

    Every Starbucks location is different, so you can’t compare how your local Starbucks enforces the rules to this one. Some city locations have issues with homeless folks & normal looking druggies & prostitutes using their bathrooms for other purposes. Or it may be a location that doesn’t get much foot traffic so seats are what draws paying customers in. Whatever the case they were non-customers, so Starbucks was well within their rights to send them on their way.

    I can’t help but laugh at the Left eating their own, but it’s disturbing because it’s yet another example reinforcing to POC (who know the actual facts) that they don’t have to follow rules or laws because of their skin color, because anyone who dares to enforce them against them will be punished by Marxist virtue signaling cucks. If observant folks see that every time a POC doesn’t get their way, they can claim racism and get rewarded — they’re more apt to avoid any associations with that group of folks just to avoid similar situations. Stereotypes aren’t true for all folks, but they are for many.

  3. over 6 years ago on Mike Lester

    The Left has always believed in execution. They just wait until they’re in power and find excuses to justify their actions. Plus, abortion is worse than execution as a completely innocent defenseless baby is killed because the people responsible for it, won’t accept responsibility for their actions.

  4. over 6 years ago on Steve Breen

    While our education system is partly to blame, this is the information age and folks are starting to wake up and realize that there’s a lot of misleading & conflicting information about the Holocaust — to the point that some of it could be considered propaganda. Folks are being jailed (read: 87 year old German grandmother) in some places for merely disputing the some of the Holocaust narrative. Anytime governments jail folks for disputing history or facts, a huge red flag goes up. Just like how the Obama administration wanted to pass laws to jail anyone who denied global warming, even though nobel prize winners were disputing the findings — and it has later been discovered that NOAA altered their data.

    When you consider how many folks the Bolsheviks are responsible for killing, even if everything the Holocaust folks say were true, it’s a fraction. In one situation one group is the victims, in another they’re responsible for the deaths of others.

  5. over 6 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    I’m sure they stopped talking about Trump around you because you start violently screeching like most democrats do. Adults are tired of babysitting you folks.

  6. over 6 years ago on Matt Wuerker

    Typical leftist propaganda. Nothing is free and someone has to pay for it. There’s already thousands of students taking advantage of college handouts and abusing the system to get free money to party on. They party one or two semesters and then drop out. Others take out student loans for useless degrees in grievance studies (i.e. African American & Gender studies) which provide them no useful skills for the real world, then they whine that they can only get a job at Footlocker and can’t pay off their loans. The reality is that colleges must drop a lot of their useless programs, and make stricter entrance standards. Nobody should get admitted based upon their skin color or who they know.

  7. over 6 years ago on Matt Bors

    Black males commit a disproportionate amount of crime and is backed up by FBI statistics. Despite blacks only making up 13% of the population, they account for more than 50% of the murders. There’s hundreds of videos of black males trying to avoid getting arrested by pulling firearms on police officers. Black male children belong in gangs and kill without a second thought. But’s it’s all the police officers fault, am I right?

    The fact of the matter is that Marxists are using all forms of media they control to undermine the authority of our law enforcement officers. They’re human and there are accidents, and some are bad cops, but the real enemy is not law enforcement. It’s the Marxists who promote a thug culture within the black community. They all belong to one tribe, and not all are bad, but folks are finally waking up to their evil plan.

  8. over 6 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    When you commit crimes and resist arrest you put your life at risk, no matter what color skin you have. Statistics show that the black community commits a disproportionate amount of violent crimes including half the murders — despite only being 12% of the population. When you mouth off and resist arrest when officers are trying to arrest you, you’re needlessly endangering yours and the lives of others. If you don’t comply, you might die.

    Police officers shouldn’t have to endanger their own lives in the least little bit just because some criminal thug wants to do things the hard way. If the black community spent more time teaching their kids to respect authority they wouldn’t have this problem.

  9. over 6 years ago on Darrin Bell

    Liberals want illegals in the United States because they primarily vote for democrats. They don’t see anything wrong with providing welfare to anyone who shows up (as long as they vote democrat), because they’re trying to financially ruin our country using the Cloward-Piven strategy — so they can force us into Socialism. Democrats don’t realize they won’t be able to survive Socialism as their benefits will dry up and they’ll have to find for themselves.

  10. over 6 years ago on Ted Rall

    Clearly a democrat cartoonist. Democrats always believe that it’s the responsibility of others to train (prop up) those who refuse to do it on their own. They only believe in personal accountability when their opponents do something wrong, but excuse everything on their side. It’s always someone else’s fault when a democrat is involved.