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  1. almost 7 years ago on B.C.

    One of my friends thinks that everything that happens is part of a conspiracy, and everything that doesn’t happen is part of a conspiracy. He is a paranoid, delusional pot-head. The con trails are part of a government conspiracy. The government is spraying a chemical mixture of powdered Aluminum, Human blood, and the element Boronium. Boronium has the Atomic number of 4 1/2, which means it has 4 1/2 protons in the nucleus. People with any knowledge of chemistry know that is impossible. The mixture that is being sprayed is to control the population by killing the people. At night, the government goes around picking up the dead bodies, taking the bodies to Sacramento where the bodies are placed in concrete boxes, three to a box. The concrete boxes are then shipped to a secret underground crematorium in Arizona for disposal. My friend really believes this, and he doesn’t understand why I am so ignorant of the facts.

  2. over 7 years ago on FoxTrot

    This may betray my age, but when I was taking a class in Statistical Thermodynamics in college, all we had was a slide rule. Very easy to misplace a decimal and get the wrong answer. I can’t speak for the other students, but I would have killed for a calculator.