
TulsaMJ Free

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  1. over 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    I think it’s a bit unfair that some posters say things like “The majority of us like it.” As though they have a magical insight into the entire fanbase of the comic and know what everybody is thinking. Yesterday I almost posted something similar to what davanden said – I love this comic, have no trouble following any of it when it stays largely inside of the house, but this Lord of the Rings-style outside-in-the-forest story has completely lost me. I have no idea what is going on – this arc requires a little bit of extra brain thinking to keep the details straight.

    But I don’t think anyone has enough data to say that davanden and I am in the “minority” or to dismiss our opinions as though they didn’t matter. You might be able to say that the majority of people who post comments here are all in on the arc, but I would submit that the people who post lots of comments on comic strip web sites are a bit more “all in” to start with than the casual fan. I spend a minute or two every day enjoying the strip, but I don’t make the effort to remember the name and backstory of every raccoon in the forest.

    That doesn’t mean that this longer storyline isn’t worth having! I appreciate Georgia’s hard work to create something that brings joy to all of us, and this arc is clearly bringing joy to plenty of fans. I wouldn’t even presume to sway her away from longer storylines with deeper lore if that’s where her muse takes her. I want her to do what is in her heart, because that’s what she did that brought this whole strip to life in the first place. I might need to patiently wait on the sideline for a few weeks, but that’s OK. I’ll still be here when we get back to the living room.

  2. about 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If there was a T-Shirt of frames 4-6 I WOULD TOTALLY BUY ONE. #MerchAlert #LostMittens

  3. over 7 years ago on Peanuts

    Hear Shroeder’s music: