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  1. 22 days ago on Swan Eaters

    Hi Swan Eaters aficionados! I attended Georgia Dunn’s event at the Charles Schultz Museum in Santa Rosa on Saturday. During the question and answer session I asked about Swan Eaters and she said she is currently working on finishing Swan Eaters and it will have an ending, but she will wait to publish it until it is fully complete. She also mentioned that what is online here is only about two thirds of the total story so there is not much more to go. There is no timeline right now as to when we may enjoy it, but there is hope!

  2. 22 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I did subtly suggest a book would be great and she pointed out that to publish a book there had to be enough interest (think BCN books) to cover the production costs. My sense is that she does not have a firm plan yet. Please stay with us, Sue Ellen!

  3. 22 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Georgia said she is currently working on finishing Swan Eaters and it will have an ending, but she won’t publish it until it is fully complete. She also mentioned that what is online is already about two thirds of the total story. There is no timeline right now as to when we may enjoy it.

  4. 22 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I went to Georgia’s talk yesterday! It was a three hour drive for me, but the bonus was that my 85 YO mom lives in the next town and I got to take her too! Georgia’s talk was terrific and there was standing room only- with many young children attending. No spoilers, but we were assured that Sophie’s adventure will turn out ok and we got an update on Swan Eaters!

  5. 28 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    This turn of events could be the catalyst that propels her art to new heights (once she is safely returned to her home sweet home!)

  6. about 1 month ago on Crabgrass

    They are very loving and loyal. Mine is very shy and hides from guests so some people are surprised I have a cat!

  7. about 1 month ago on Crabgrass

    Yes, our county animal shelter had “spring specials” and lent out the traps, plus they partnered with a local vet to do low cost neutering. It was still a group effort though. Sadly, they no longer have the money to do so.

  8. about 1 month ago on Crabgrass

    Yes, he was a rescue at about 1 week of age. I bottle fed him and he is now about 13. We eventually TNRd the entire colony of mixed Siamese feral kitties.

  9. about 1 month ago on Crabgrass

    When I first learned to whistle, I practiced incessantly in the back yard of a friend’s house while the neighbor was having the roof repaired next door. Suddenly we heard a sharp whistle from the roof and we look up to see one of the workers mooning us.

  10. about 1 month ago on Betty

    I never met a cooked onion I did not like, unless it was undercooked.