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  1. over 3 years ago on Swan Eaters

    Today is the first day of Fall. When does Swan Eaters resume?

  2. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I don’t know how much more research I would have to do, as I am a registered radiological technologist with a college degree in applied science, radiography, and have been one for 20+ years. My comments were meant to inform, not insult. However, I was not prepared to be insulted in return. I have seldom commented, but always felt a part of this group. That ends now. I will continue to read this wonderful comicbut will no longer read the comments

  3. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I am a registered radiologic technoligist with a college degree in radiography. My comments were meant to inform, not insult, and I did not expect to be insulted in return. I am glad that ‘someone’ did research; however, I still stand by my comments.

  4. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Um, just a quick comment- we are Technologists, not technicians. Technicians WORK on equipment, TECHNOLOGISTS have college degrees in their field (x ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine) and are nationally registered to work in their field.

  5. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Named my first kitten Mewzette La Mew. ( I was 11)

  6. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Buttercup was my first cat to be diagnosed with diabetes. About 6 months later, Blue was diagnosed. I gave them both 2 shots a day, bought a glucose meter geared for animals, and did their glucose curves every 3 months. Buttercup died on December 31, 2015 from complications of diabetes, and Blue passed 6 weeks later. I do not regret 1 minute I spent caring for them the 3 years (for Buttercup) and 2.5 years (for Blue). My Foxy is currently diabetic. She was diagnosed 2 years ago, went in remission for 11 months, returned in June of this year. Buttercup and Blue Lived 11 years, Ndw Foxy is currently 14 and I will love and care for her as long as she lives

  7. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I also live in North Carolina, was blessed during hurricane Florence and only had minor damages. I will be 64 on December 10th. I found BCN in 2016 while recovering from reconstruction of my right shoulder. Reading it always makes me smile. I currently have 17 cats plus my granddaughter’s 1 until she gets settled in her new home. I previously rescued cats, and all of mine are the ones no one else wanted. Several have medical problems, but everyone is fixed, up to date on shots and gets flea treatment monthly. I also tend to a small colony of ferals. I apply for a grant each year to do TNR. In 2015 I trapped 15 of the 18 that were there then., had to skip 2016 for medical reasons, 4 in 2017 and 3 this year. the colony only has 7 at this time, with attrition due to predators. Unfortunately 2 new strays showed up in July and there are now 2 kittens from 1, and 1 kitten from the other. I currently work full time and have a PRN job. Life is good!

  8. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    My Callie comes running, even if she is asleep in another part of my house, every time I sneeze and meows at me like she’s asking me if I’m OK

  9. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I have lint rollers at home, at work, in my truck. I wear navy and khaki scrubs- if i’m wearing navy, one of my white or black and white cats love on me, and if i’m wearing khaki, one of my black or torties wants loving. I have 18 cats, so cat hair is ALWAYS on me, my clothes, my furniture!

  10. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    TLC’s Waterfalls