
RobertW.Jackson Free

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  1. over 4 years ago on Working Daze

    Shop Amazon from the couch.

  2. almost 5 years ago on Clay Bennett

    I don’t watch his narcissism. I never liked his TV show either. I don’t believe he is a billionaire. Why won’t he show his taxes?

  3. about 5 years ago on Robert Ariail

    Oh… I don’t know how she might pay for her program, but raising taxes on the Rich, tax capital gains and royalty taxes at the same rate as the tax on labor, creating an “Alternative” Corporate MINIMUM tax to be paid by ALL corporations; Oh, and finally…. removing the CAP on Social Security and Medicare so the rich are taxed on ALL their income …. just like the middle class, including royalties and capital gains. MONEY is MONEY! Shouldn’t matter HOW you came by the money – it all needs to be taxed fairly across the board.

    That all said… I’m NOT for Warren. I am voting Joe Biden and Mayor Pete is my number two choice. I’m a Democratic CAPITALIST. I LIKE money, I just believe the rich and corporations should pay their fair share.

  4. over 5 years ago on Clay Bennett

    t-Rump is a coward draft dodger. He is under-staffing the Veterans Administration. I have been rated P&T 100% Service-connected disabled since 3-2018. My wife is still waiting on her health insurance due us under Title 38 of the US Code. t-Rump doesn’t give a damn about veterans!!!

  5. over 5 years ago on Robert Ariail

    The artist missed the point – The House can pass anything they want … Moscow Mitch isn’t allowing anything to pass. So…. Piss off tRumpturd.

  6. over 5 years ago on Robert Ariail

    Ariall… you’ve missed the whole point. Your cartoon should have the Democrats holding “hearings” on Russiagate. The Democrats don’t have to DIG up anything…. all WE the PEOPLE and the Democrats need to do is peel THE BLANKET REDACTION from the Mueller investigation, and let the cockroaches (GOP) scatter. Already, a judge has ordered Billy “BOY” Barr to un-redact the Mueller report on ALL sections on disgraced General Flynn.

    So Ariall.. try again!

  7. about 6 years ago on Steve Benson

    Typical tRumpturd comment.