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Recent Comments

  1. about 7 years ago on Looks Good on Paper

    Murphys law is here too

  2. about 7 years ago on Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog


  3. about 7 years ago on Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog

    his screen can break an eye wow

  4. about 7 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I still can’t find an imaginary friend. I have a dog though so its good

  5. about 7 years ago on Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog

    how does he hear

  6. about 7 years ago on Jetpack Jr.


  7. about 7 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    there good all year

  8. over 7 years ago on Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog

    also today’s my birthday

  9. over 7 years ago on Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog

    Rufurb’s weakness a wall of sticky candy canes

  10. over 7 years ago on Bleeker: The Rechargeable Dog

    because he knocked down the tree