
ElaineFisherManning Free

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  1. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    This is what I’D like to see happen. I really don’t think that Bets and Gunther are a good match. She basically TELLS Gunther what he’s going to do — Gunther is in denial (oh no, she convinced me to do what she wanted). Let Bets storm out of the house, and let Gunther and Tiffany have a nice, romantic dinner together.

  2. about 4 years ago on Luann

    What short memories some of you have (or maybe it’s me) … a couple days ago when Bernice grabbed her phone Luann said “good idea, get it on video, and Bernice said I’M CALLING 911”.

  3. about 4 years ago on Luann

    Way to go Bernice!! HONESTY – it can be so freeing to spill your guts and say what’s REALLY on your mind. But then you have to deal with all the well meaning (?) people who want to tell you how you’re wrong to feel that way. I grew up as an only child too. And even though I was “a kid” (we all were), I didn’t LIKE kids. I had very little in common with people my own age and often had friends much older than myself. I don’t like babies, little kids, etc … I decided at 21 to have my tubes tied (I know – too much information). I’m almost 64 and never regretted my decision … and I still don’t like being around kids. I love childish things, so maybe I just prefer to be in an imaginary world of my own making. Geez, sorry … I ramble. Elaine

  4. over 4 years ago on Luann

    Any guy who’s willing to climb up a drain pipe and walk on the roof to RESCUE a kitten is O.K. WITH ME!! If he was a cold hearted bastard (like many seem to think), he’d have just said “…the cat figured out how to get up there, he’ll come down when he’s hungry…”. You’re a good guy Les – even if you don’t want people to think so!

  5. almost 5 years ago on Luann

    Nancy is about to hear the full story. How Ann is Les’ mom. How T.J. got Ann fired from Weinie World. How Ann is dating and lying to Tiffany’s dad .. and making Tiffany miserable. (Hmmm, maybe Tiffany can rent the room in Luann’s house)?

  6. about 5 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Excuse me. We have a landline in our house by CHOICE. I have a $10 tracfone that I keep for emergencies. I don’t call folks, they don’t call me. I have a computer if I need to read emails, I have a camera if I need to take photos.

  7. about 5 years ago on Luann

    Luann is a nosy, busybody who has no regard for boundaries …. I should know, I’M JUST LIKE HER. I always ASK .. because if you don’t ask, the answer is always “no”. And Gunther did say “if you want to know something ask and I’LL decide whether or not to give you that information…”. So Luann did just what Gunther said – SHE ASKED.

  8. about 5 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I’m not into kids (or extreme pain). Women should have been born with “zippers”. Get pregnant, wait 9 months, unzip and take out the kid. LOL.

  9. about 5 years ago on Luann

    Sallymargret – I think it’s great that you have the time (and news!) to write a 10-15 page newsletter w/ photos. I’m always glad to know that my friends are living full, fun lives … and it makes me a little envious too at times. Both my husband and I are retired military with eight cats. We’re both loners, stay at home folks, and I honestly don’t think either of us have been farther away from the house than 25 miles in years (our choice). Our trips consist of medical visits (us) and vet visits (the cats). If I were to write about my typical day it would be – woke up at 4:00 A.M. to feed the cats, went back to bed, got woken up at 6:30 A.M. by the sound of some cat barfing in the other room, went back to bed, woke up to find one cat sleeping on my head, another wedged between my legs, and one sleeping and drooling on my stomach. LOL!! Went to the mailbox in my pajamas, waved at a neighbor, read the online comics, answered the doorbell to find my CHEWY and AMAZON deliveries …. (are you alseep from boredom yet). Have a great 2020. And if you want to add me to your newsletter, let me know. It would probably be one of the most exciting, positive things that happened. :)

  10. about 5 years ago on Luann

    LOL!! Oh that brings back memories!! I was the little kid who liked to hide in the clothes racks too!!