In the 80’s, I built a 286 from parts. It had 4 MB of RAM. The guy at the computer shop said “4 MB is all the memory you’ll ever need”. My i5 i just put together has 32 GB.
Those were fun. I could always find a way to get the answer without the math. But when the teacher said we had to “Show our solution” then I was in trouble.
I’m 83 and still have all my hair. My father also had all his hair at 83. My mother’s brother was bald, my paternal grandfather was bald. I only had daughters. So, it depends on the individual person.
The Choo-Choo from the term “Choo-Choo train” is NOT referring to the whistle. It refers to the sound that the old steam locomotives made when they were under way that sounded like chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff. And the whistle went TOOT TOOT! But my grandkids all think that the whistle goes choo-choo.
In the 80’s, I built a 286 from parts. It had 4 MB of RAM. The guy at the computer shop said “4 MB is all the memory you’ll ever need”. My i5 i just put together has 32 GB.