Marajade 2

Arica Jade Free

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  1. over 2 years ago on Big Nate

    If he really wanted to, maybe he could just gather all the pieces of the old vase and weigh them. As long as the store is cool with letting him weigh their vases on a scale he’d then at least be able to rule out a good majority of the vases that don’t weigh the same amount to increase his chances of getting the right one. He could also play around with the pieces of the old one like a puzzle to get a vague idea for the shape too if there are at least a few larger pieces left.

  2. almost 3 years ago on Big Nate

    Strictly speaking, cold-blooded isn’t a requirement for being considered a reptile depending on which definition/classification system you’re using. There’s the older, traditional taxonomy classifications, which classifies animals based on characteristics and largely ignoring ancestry, and there’s the more recent cladistic classifications, which classifies animals into clades based on their common ancestry and relations to each other rather than any specific characteristics. Reptiles are a classification in both systems; in taxonomy, reptilia is a class within the hierarchy that denotes animals with typical reptilian traits like laying eggs and being cold-blooded. In cladistic terminology, reptile means any animal that is a descendant of the shared, common ancestor of turtles, crocodilians, birds, lizards, and snakes (and of course this group includes both dinosaurs and pterosaurs as well).

  3. almost 3 years ago on Big Nate

    Dinosaurs and pterosaurs are both reptilian; all dinosaurs (including modern birds, which are the last surviving group) are classified as reptiles, just like pterosaurs were, they’re just a different family of reptiles.

  4. almost 3 years ago on Big Nate

    Birds aren’t just descended from dinosaurs, they’re dinosaurs themselves. Specifically, they’re classified as theropod dinosaurs.

  5. about 3 years ago on Nate el Grande

    ¿Él es el gran qué?

  6. about 3 years ago on Big Nate

    I didn’t even know you could have a GPA higher than 4.0 in middle school. You learn something new every day I guess

  7. about 3 years ago on Big Nate

    That’s top-secret information that we’re not allowed to reveal. We’re already having to do an extensive internal investigation to find out who leaked the existence of the cult to Mr. Peirce

  8. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    I’m not an expert so I wouldn’t take my word for it alone, but I think in general unless someone who brings forward a lawsuit that can definitively prove he’s caused them harm with the things he says, he can’t really get in trouble. Being wrong or promoting false science doesn’t technically break any of the restrictions of the First Amendment unless he’s actively inciting harm or slandering someone else, so the government can’t really do anything to him unless he does those things. He has been sued multiple times by other people and organizations though, and I know he ended up having to pay several million dollars to the people suing him on at least once, so he does get in trouble at least occasionally.

  9. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    He’s a surgeon who has a t.v show where he makes up false scientific facts, encourages use of disproven medical practices, and promotes scam products. He’s also running for a seat on the Senate currently

  10. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    Normally I wouldn’t go out of my way to say this to little kids who still believe in him, but you did ask, so: no, he’s not real. There are obviously a million logical reasons why he doesn’t exist, but I’ll just point out that if you’ve ever met a kid whose parents have told him Santa isn’t real, then you should know he’s not. Those parents would have no reason to lie about that if he was real, and if presents truly did randomly appear in their houses on Christmas they would obviously have no reason to doubt his existence either. It would be like telling your kids Canada isn’t real for no reason at all when it obviously is. I’ve also had to be “Santa” myself before. I grew up with 2 much younger siblings, and every Christmas I put every single one of the presents under the tree there myself. I had to sneak downstairs a few times to put the ones from “Santa” there after they went to sleep, but none ever magically appeared out of nowhere (and in case you’re planning on asking, no, no random coal ever appeared either).