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  1. almost 6 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Neutral in Polish – [to] krzesło.

  2. almost 6 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    The point made here is undermined by the “ordinary person” in question being an A-hole.

  3. about 6 years ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    More to the point: how do you look at something like a skirt and decide “yeah, that should be masculine!”? German and its “der Rock” says hi.

  4. about 6 years ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    I’ll hazard a guess “bląrt” is a goblin from Central-ish Europe.

  5. about 7 years ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    From my experience: whatever people do with a phone, but in a tub. When you’re just relaxing in warm water, you can keep your hands above the water and play with a phone or read a book if you’re very very careful.