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sallikat Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    My guess is that Lupin and Pengo curled up for a nap. Lupin is deaf so he can’t hear all the commotion and Pengo’s ears are sewn shut so he can’t hear either.

  2. about 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes, it is an embroidery hoop. Embroidery (uses thread) and crewel (uses thin yarn) are done on fabric and the hoop holds the fabric taut so the stitches are tight and even. Needlepoint uses a slightly thicker yarn and is worked on a mesh canvas.

  3. about 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    All the things that need to be charged are fully charged. Enough fresh batteries for the flashlight. Sufficient supply of chocolate.

  4. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    In some cases, that might well be why someone needs a break!

  5. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Ding, ding, ding went the bell…

  6. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I thought Elvis was going to dip his paw in the coffee cup because heard “cream.” Nana, wise in the ways of her grandchildren, put a stop to that before it began.

  7. almost 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Praying for the best. But whatever happens, remember that you are givin Nushi love, care and comfort. That is the best thing we can do for someone, no matter how long they live.

  8. almost 6 years ago on Texts From Mittens

    They want us to take some part of them with us so we don’t forget about them.

  9. almost 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I am convinced that my cats think I am a strange upright feline who only has fur on the top of my head.

  10. almost 6 years ago on How to Cat

    I want to like this comic, but it does not update very often. Does it only come out 1 or 2 times a week?