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  1. about 7 years ago on Rob Rogers

    I see where you were going with that. Nope, that’s another discussion. I was just referring to taxation. Merry Christmas.

  2. about 7 years ago on Rob Rogers

    I didn’t write that “corporations are people, my friends”. I stated that corporations are merely being used by government as tax collectors for collecting money from “the people”. They don’t care where businesses get the money as long as it’s legal. Businesses generate that extra money for taxes by the aforementioned three ways.

  3. about 7 years ago on Rob Rogers

    Rogers needs to take a course in basic economics. Corporations don’t pay taxes, only people pay taxes. Businesses are being used as tax collectors for the government. Corporations get the tax money in the following three ways. 1. They charge more for their product. 2. They pay their employees less money or hire less employees. 3. They pay less dividends.

  4. about 7 years ago on Clay Jones

    I’m curious about your opinion of George Wallace.

  5. about 7 years ago on Clay Jones

    He only renounced racism after he got into politics. Coincidence? Maybe, but to have that deep seated racism into your 30’s and then do a 180. Let’s just say I’m a skeptic. If he truly did change it should be lauded. Only he knew for sure. I suppose McCarthy having died only three years after the hearings hadn’t had enough time to do a mea culpa. Who knows if he would have got there.

  6. about 7 years ago on Clay Jones

    The reason it is temporary was so that it could bypass the “Byrd rule” and avoid a Democratic filibuster. You remember Robert Byrd, revered Democrat, racist KKK leader. He was so highly regarded by his fellow democrats for these and I’m sure other traits that they elevated him to Senate Majority Leader.

  7. about 7 years ago on Robert Ariail

    Why do you knuckleheads insist on taking any non-political comic and go lefty political with it? I figure you’re probably getting paid to do it because normal people don’t function that way.

  8. about 7 years ago on Rob Rogers

    If the competition is there they would be forced to lower prices and increase wages. Without that pressure then yes, your “not so much” comment is valid. Nice chatting with you Stan.

  9. about 7 years ago on Walt Handelsman

    If you think that CNN and MSNBC are not biased you truly have issues. See the world as is it and not the way you wish it were. And no, I make no claims that FOX News is unbiased. They all have their particular spin on things. The key is to try and see through it and find the truth. Yes, they should be reporting the news with complete objectivity and let us form our own individual opinions about it. No of us need to be told what to think, even you.

  10. about 7 years ago on Walt Handelsman

    Oh Stan, you crack me up. That was a good one.