
JLFair Free

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  1. about 7 years ago on Rose is Rose

    No, she’s just one of those annoying over-achievers who winds up burning out at the age of 45 and then being just annoying.

  2. about 7 years ago on Rose is Rose

    As would I ! Mine died 72 years ago when I was just 6 months old.

  3. about 7 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Holding a phone by any means (hand or shoulder), either to text or talk, renders your ability to drive as being about equivalent to having consumed two ounces of alcohol 10 minutes ago. In other words, your recognition and response times and abilities are about the same as being at .15 drunk. Unfortunately, the effect does not wear off. Using a mechanical holder cuts that by half, but you still are operating a 1.5-ton assembly at speed in almost -drunk condition. It’s stupid to do this. Don’t drive distracted.

  4. about 7 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Awww! Best Christmas ornaments ever. :D

  5. about 7 years ago on Rose is Rose

    In the early 1970s, a friend approached me with an idea about a hovercraft. I told him he was crazy. He built one of the danged things using a blower from an old vacuum cleaner to provide the air pressure. Doesn’t take much, just a few psi, to float one about 3 inches off the ground. One of today’s rechargeable vacuums would work well for that. It would not do much for the noise pollution, but it sure would eliminate the waste of fuel. And wouldn’t a kid have a blast on one of those? I think I’ll help my grandson build one!

  6. over 7 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Several things …In 43 years, my wife has made sure I have time to myself, I have made sure she has time to herself, and we both make sure we have together time. Anything else turns into a contest, and that’s not healthy for a marriage.Next, Rose is just being kind. In response, Jimbo offered her a kind comment about his view of them as a pair. Rose took the hint, which was quite kind of her. This sort of thoughtfulness is why some marriages still stand the test of time. Don’t crowd, but be willing to share. ’Nuff said.