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Although there were many MAGA true believers who bought that line, the very small deciding percentage may well have come form people who would have voted for the Democrat if he had been a man.
I don’t believe I have ever tried it and don’t plan to, but am not sure it would be bad. I am sure that tuna does not belong on pizza.
After 20 years, you would think he would have found a place of this own.
And others who would have voted for the Democrat just stayed home.
That was supposed to be “note”.
She did say “interesting and unusual”.
Cloths are overrated anyway… unless you are cold.
It seems he has entered the “friend zone”.
I liked her hair better two days ago.
Not to J.D.: he’s a white Texan.
Although there were many MAGA true believers who bought that line, the very small deciding percentage may well have come form people who would have voted for the Democrat if he had been a man.