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  1. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    I can see why that might be the case for you, but for me, Holly’s most recent tale felt more like an attempt to rewrite her as a character in order to sour the audience on her than any sort of actual character development, so to me it never really felt like “our” Holly at all and as such didn’t “take”. In turn, Kirbee feels like a store-bought 100% fat-free artificial “leading lady” substitute who was hurriedly crammed into the plot.

  2. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    Why, that would be “Endtown”… from about 2009 to 2015.

  3. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    That’s still six months of one arc and the entirety of another, so she’s been present in a big chunk of two arcs. Plenty of time.

    As for saving Wally and the rest, don’t forget that she wouldn’t have done that at all if Holly hadn’t given her a stern talking to when she wanted to run off and leave them in the lurch. Leading them out wasn’t her idea, either. Credit to her for agreeing in the end, but not particularly impressive.

    Re: Killing her off, I actually doubt he’ll do that any time soon, as she currently feels a bit like a writer’s pet. He might make her miserable or hand her a setback just so he can show her rising above it, though.

  4. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    I actually find her upbeatness to often be kind of irritatingly forced and clueless. I prefer the characters in this comic who can consistently snatch moments of happiness from the darkness rather than being inappropriately cheery because they’re too airheaded to grasp the gravity of their situation.

  5. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    She’s already gotten two of those and I can’t say I’m impressed.

  6. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    To use a Holly-appropriate metaphor, it’s like substituting Kraft Singles for finest Camembert.

  7. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    A meme and an astute observation, all in one!

  8. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    Seeing Wally with anyone other than Holly is never going to feel right.

  9. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    Narrowly escaping from an underground fire (hot gas rises, so if you’re not getting burned to death, you risk getting broiled or suffocated on the way up), taken by surprise in the dark by flying super-mutts with who knows what kind of high-tech scanning ability, and whoever survives that is stranded without any apparent equipment, food, or water, in a vast desert.

    I’m with these guys, more than one or two survivors at most would stretch the bounds of belief. Even one would be kind of pushing it.

    I kind of wish Jim had stuck around. He was more interesting than Sarah.

  10. about 7 years ago on Endtown

    Likewise, if you’re not really enjoying the comic any more, you’re under no obligation to pay for it.

    If you’re a little suspicious of certain plot twists or the reasoning behind them, or you feel the quality of the comic, story or storytelling has gone down significantly, or you don’t care for where the story’s taking you, or a major factor in your enjoyment of the comic has just plain vanished, feel free to go support something else with your hard-earned money (and know that you’re not alone). You’ve paid for what’s been released while you were engaged and willing to support it, and the patreon is couched in terms of the telling of the story, not the story itself (ie: in the now), so you owe Aaron Neathery nothing.

    Aaron himself handily explains right on the front page of the patreon itself that it’s all about the value of the story in your eyes. If that value has diminished, you must feel free to act accordingly.